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Printing RPG Output Spec Report Layout

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Nov 28, 2005
Anyone here have any leads on a utility to print a sample report layout from old RPG II-style Output Specs?

In a previous life I had a utility to do this. It may have been Pathfinder from Hawkeye Ssytems that had it.

Any free utilities anyone is aware of?


Actually I have (not mine) a freeware program that does this. It is now part of a RPG tools package, but used to be distributed freely. Unfortunatly this site does not allow attachments. Copy all the source code to a text file then FTP to a source member on your host. Then follow the instructions at the top of the source code.

Good luck...

I will try to paste the code except the HTML parser in the browser may "mess" it up. Here goes.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<upload  appname="JCRANZO"  appauthor="Craig Rutledge"  appblddate=" 3/03/2003">
*  1. Upload entire XML to your AS/400 to a source file 112 long, into any mbr
*     name not in this XML (suggest member name like ABCX or XYZX). The source
*     file must be in the library where source and objects are to be installed.
*  2. If you have XMLPREVIEW installed, skip to step 3.

*     Copy the text between the start tag <install_program> and the end
*     tag </install_program> into any member name (your choice)
*     in file QRPGLESRC member type RPGLE.   CRTBNDRPG to compile.
*     NOTE: You need extract the install program only once, this same program
*           will install any upload on this page.
*  3. Call the install program (or execute XmlPrevew) passing these 3 parms.
*       'your-member-name you uploaded this text into'
*       'your-source-file-name the member is in'
*       'your-library-name the source file is in'
*  The various source members will be extracted and the objects required
*   for the application will be created in your-library-name.
*  Members in this install: (to view or manually extract members, scan <mbr )
*   JCRANZOH   PNLGRP     Print O spec report layout - help text        jcr
*   JCRANZOR   RPGLE      print O spec report layout with field names   jcr
*   JCRRECGETR RPGLE      Record format/file xref for RPG source        jcr
*   JCRFLDCPYR RPGLE      Get source names from /copy for processing    jcr
*   JCRFLDGETR RPGLE      Get field attributes from RPG4 programs       jcr
*   JCRVALMBRV RPGLE      Validity checker for mbr/file/lib             jcr
*   JCRANZO    CMD        Print O spec report layout with field names   jcr
]]>  </install_instructions>
      * /// START OF INSTALL PGM HERE   ************************** ///
      // Parse / Install from xml text into source members and objects. v5r1
      // Craig Rutledge < [URL unfurl="true"]www.jcrcmds.com[/URL] >          Copyright (C) 2001
      // Martin Rowe    <martin@dbg400.net>          scripting cmd prompts
      // David George   <webmaster@400times.co.uk>   intellectual input
      // Thomas Raddatz <thomas.raddatz@tools400.de> command mode/where allowed
      // This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      // the Free Software Foundation.  See GNU General Public License for details
      // Use xml tags in text to trigger:
      // 1. Parse text into source members (create srcfile & member if required).
      // 2. Compile source into objects.
      // 3. Send installation progress user messages.
      // 4. Execute qcmdexc as required.
     Fxmlinput  if   f  112        disk    extfile(extIfile) extmbr(ParseSrcMbr)   uploaded text
     F                                     usropn
     Fqxxxsrc   o    f  112        disk    extfile(extOfile) extmbr(mbrname)       parsed out
     F                                     usropn
     D extIfile        s             21a
     D extOfile        s             21a
     D vrcvar          s            145a
     D qm_msgid        s              7a
     D qm_msgtxt       s             65a
     D qm_msgq         s             10a
     D qm_msgtyp       s             10a
     D mbrname         s             10a
     D mbrtype         s             10a
     D mbrtext         s             50a
     D srcfile         s             10a
     D srclen          s              5a
     D srccssid        s              5a
     D bldexc          s            500a
     D IsWrite         s               n   inz(*off)
     D srcSeqno        s              6s 2 inz(0)
     D aa              s              5u 0 inz(0)
     D ll              s              5u 0 inz(0)
     D qs              c                   ''''
      // Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))                bytes provided
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)                               bytes returned
     D  vmsgid                        7a                                        error msgid
     D  vresvd                        1a                                        reserved
     D  vrpldta                      50a                                        replacement data
     D qusrmbrd        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSRMBRD')                   MEMBER DESC
     Db                                    like(vrcvar)                         RCVR
     D                               10i 0 const                                RCVR LEN
     D                                8    const                                TYPE
     D                               20    const                                FILE   LIB
     D                               10                                         MBR NAME
     D                                1    const                                OVERRIDE?
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
     D qmhsndpm        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')                   SEND MESSAGE
     D                                7                                         ID
     D                               20    const                                FILE
     Db                                    like(qm_msgtxt)                      TEXT
     D                               10i 0 const                                LENGTH
     D                               10    const                                TYPE
     D                               10                                         QUEUE
     D                               10i 0 const                                STACK ENTRY
     D                                4    const                                KEY
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
     D  qcmdexc        PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D                              500A   options(*varsize)
     D                               15P 5 Const
     Ixmlinput  ns
     I                                 13   21  xmltag1
     I                                 18   27  xmltag2
     I                                 13  112  xmlcode
     C     *entry        plist
     C                   parm                    ParseSrcMbr      10            source member
     C                   parm                    ParseSrcFile     10            source file
     C                   parm                    ParseSrcLib      10            source lib
      // xmlpreview uses this parm to redirect to user selected source file. optional
     C                   parm                    OvrSrcFile       10            override to source
       exsr  srValidate; //make sure exists
       // Set user selected library *first for remainder of program
       bldexc = 'RMVLIBLE LIB('+%trimr(ParseSrcLib) + ')';
       callp(e)  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));

       bldexc = 'ADDLIBLE LIB('+
       %trimr(ParseSrcLib) + ') POSITION(*FIRST)';
       callp(e)  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));

       // Override Input file to uploaded text file
       extIfile = %trimr(ParseSrcLib)+'/'+ParseSrcFile;
       open  xmlinput;
       read  xmlinput;
 1b    dow  not %eof;
          // write records to outfile if flag is on
 2b       if IsWrite;
 3b          if  xmltag2<>'</copysrc>';
                except  write_one;
 3x          else;
                close  qxxxsrc;
 3e          endif;
             // Extract values based on xml tags.
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'mbrname =';
             mbrname = %subst(xmlcode:13:10);
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'mbrtype =';
             mbrtype =%subst(xmlcode:13:10);
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'mbrtext =';
             mbrtext =%subst(xmlcode:13:50);
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'srcfile =';
 3b          if  %parms=4;     //xmlpreview override
 3x          else;
                srcfile =%subst(xmlcode:13:10);
 3e          endif;
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'srclen  =';
 3b          if  %parms=4;      //xmlpreview override
 3x          else;
                srclen  =%subst(xmlcode:13:5);
 3e          endif;
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = 'srccssid=';
             // Start of data to copy.  Create source files/mbrs as required.
 2x       elseif xmltag1='<copysrc>';
             // crtsrcpf
             bldexc = 'CRTSRCPF FILE(' +
             %trimr(srcfile) + ') RCDLEN(' +
             srclen + ') CCSID(' +
             srccssid + ')';
             callp(e)  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
             // addpfm
             bldexc = 'ADDPFM   FILE(' +
             %trimr(srcfile) + ') MBR(' +
             %trimr(mbrname) + ') SRCTYPE(' +
             %trimr(mbrtype) + ') TEXT(' +
             qs+%trimr(mbrtext)+qs + ')';
             callp(e)  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
 3b          if  %error;
                // chgpfm
                bldexc = 'CHGPFM   FILE(' +
                %trimr(srcfile) + ') MBR(' +
                %trimr(mbrname) + ') TEXT(' +
                qs+%trimr(mbrtext)+qs + ')';
                callp  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
                // clr mbr
                bldexc = 'CLRPFM   FILE(' +
                %trimr(srcfile) + ') MBR(' +
                %trimr(mbrname) + ')';
                callp  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
 3e          endif;
             // ovr to outfile mbr
             extOfile=%trimr(ParseSrcLib) +'/'+srcfile;
             clear   srcSeqno;
             open  qxxxsrc;
             IsWrite = *on;
             // ------------------------------------------------------
             // Compile statement.  Read next record and execute it.
             // The subroutine srTolibToken will replace &tolib with the
             // library the user has selected at run time.
             // ------------------------------------------------------
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = '<compile>';
             read  xmlinput;
             bldexc = %trimr(xmlcode);
             exsr  srTolibToken;
             callp  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
             // ------------------------------------------------------
             // qcmdexc statement. Build statement from each record between start
             // and stop tags.  When stop tag is found, execute statement.
             // if dltxxx command, allow errors to be ignored.
             // ------------------------------------------------------
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = '<qcmdexc>';
             clear   bldexc;
             read  xmlinput;
 3b          dow  xmltag2<>'</qcmdexc>';
                read  xmlinput;
 3e          enddo;
             exsr  srTolibToken;
 3b          if  %subst(bldexc:1:3)='DLT';
                callp(e)  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
 3x          else;
                callp  qcmdexc(bldexc:%len(%trimr(bldexc)));
 3e          endif;
             // ------------------------------------------------------
             // Send messages to user as program executes
             // Extract message ID, Message Type, from <sendmsg>
             // read a record and get the single line of message text.
             // ------------------------------------------------------
 2x       elseif xmltag1 = '<sendmsg ';
             qm_msgid = %subst(xmlcode:22:7);
             qm_msgtyp = %subst(xmlcode:46:10);
             read  xmlinput;
             qm_msgq   = '*EXT   ';
 3b          if  qm_msgtyp='*COMP ';
                qm_msgq   = '*PGMBDY';
 3e          endif;
             qm_msgtxt = xmlcode;
             exsr  srSndMessage;
 2e       endif;
          read  xmlinput;
 1e    enddo;
       // ------------------------------------------------------
       // Replace &tolib (no matter how many times it is in string)
       // with whatever library the user has selected at run time.
       // ------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srTolibToken;
 1b    dow  aa>0;
 1e    enddo;
       // user has selected to override source, reset SRCFILE parm in bldexcs.
 1b    if  %parms=4;                        //xmlpreview override
 2b       if  aa>0;
 3b          if  aa>0;
 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endif;
       // ------------------------------------------------------
       // Check of file, lib, member exist.
       begsr  srValidate;
       callp  QUSRMBRD(vrcvar:145:'MBRD0100':
              ParseSrcFile + ParseSrcLib:ParseSrcMbr:
       // ------------------------------------------------------
       // If error occurred on call, send appropriate message back to user.
 1b    if  vBytav>0;                                   //error occurred
 2b       if vmsgid = 'CPF9810';                     // lib not found
             qm_msgtxt = '0000 Library ' +
             %trimr(ParseSrcLib) + ' was not found.';
 2x       elseif vmsgid = 'CPF9812';                     // src file not found
             qm_msgtxt = '0000 Source file ' +
             %trimr(ParseSrcFile)+' was not found in ' +
             %trimr(ParseSrcLib) + '.';
 2x       elseif vmsgid = 'CPF9815';                     // member not found
             qm_msgtxt = '0000 Member ' +
             %trimr(ParseSrcMbr)+' was not found in ' +
             %trimr(ParseSrcLib)+'/'+ %trimr(ParseSrcFile);
 2x       else;                                        // unexpected
             qm_msgtxt = '0000 Unexpected message ' +
             vmsgid + ' received. ';
 2e       endif;
          // send message
          qm_msgid = 'CPD0006';
          qm_msgtyp = '*DIAG';
          qm_msgq   = '*CTLBDY';
          exsr  srSndMessage;
          qm_msgtxt = *blanks;
          qm_msgid = 'CPF0002';
          qm_msgtyp = '*ESCAPE';
          exsr  srSndMessage;
 1e    endif;
       // ------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srSndMessage;
       callp QMHSNDPM(qm_msgid:'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':
             1:'    ': vApiErrDS);
     Oqxxxsrc   e            write_one
     O                       srcSeqno             6
     O                                           12 '000000'
     O                       xmlcode            112
      * /// END OF INSTALL PGM HERE  /// do not copy past this point  ********** ///
]]>  </install_program>
<sendmsg  sendmsgid="CPF9897" sendmsgtype = "*STATUS   "><![CDATA[
Installing JCRANZOH  type PNLGRP - in progress.
]]>  </sendmsg>
mbrname =  "JCRANZOH  "
mbrtype =  "PNLGRP    "
mbrtext =  "Print O spec report layout - help text        jcr "
srcfile =  "QPNLSRC   "
srclib  =  "selected  "
srclen  =  "00112"
srccssid=  "00037">
.* JCRANZO - Print OSPEC Fields Report - Help Text                   *
.* By   Craig Rutledge,  3/02/95                                     *
Analyze OSPEC Fields (JCRANZO) - Help
Analyze OSPEC Fields (JCRANZO) command reads your RPG4 source O specs
to provide a representational report with the field name printed under the data.
This is a very easy way to determine which
fields are positioned where on the report without having to dig
through source code.
:NT.This command will only process rpg4.:ENT.
:P.The LayoutOnly keyword was added to allow printing of a layout without the
print line data and field names.   This could be used to generate a prototype
layout to show a user what the report will look like.
The objects used by this command are:
JCRANZO   *CMD             Command Prompt
JCRANZOR  *PGM    RPGLE    Report layout from RPG4 O specs
JCRFLDGETR *PGM    RPGLE    Get attributes of RPG4 fields.
JCRFLDCPYR *PGM    RPGLE    Process through /copy statements
JCRRECGETR *PGM    RPGLE    Get attributes of data files.
JCRANZOH  *PNLGRP          Help Text
JCRVALMBRV   *PGM    RPGLE    Validity Checker
:P.Craig Rutledge
PGM source member name (PGM) - Help
:XH3.PGM source member name (PGM)
Specifies the name of the PGM for which the field list is to
be printed.
This is a required parameter.
:PD.Specify the PGM member name.
Source file - Help
:XH3.Source file (SRCFILE)
:P.Specifies the name of the source file that contains the source
PGM member.
:PD.The default source file, QRPGSRC, contains the PGM source member
to be listed.
:PD.Enter the source file name that contains the PGM source member to
be listed.
:PT.:PK def.*LIBL:EPK.
:PD.The system searches the library list to find the library where the
source file is located.
:PD.Enter the name of the library where the source file is located.
Exclude Record Formats & Field Names - Help
:XH3.Exclude Record Formats & Field Names (LAYOUTONLY)
:P.Specifies whether to exclude the print line names and field names from the
layout report.
:PT.:PK def.*NO:EPK.
:PD.The print lines names/spacing information and the field names will be
included on the report
:PD.Excludes the print line names/field names to generate a prototype
report layout as the user would see it.
]]>  </copysrc>
]]>  </compile>
<sendmsg  sendmsgid="CPF9897" sendmsgtype = "*STATUS   "><![CDATA[
Installing JCRANZOR  type RPGLE - in progress.
]]>  </sendmsg>
mbrname =  "JCRANZOR  "
mbrtype =  "RPGLE     "
mbrtext =  "print O spec report layout with field names   jcr "
srcfile =  "QRPGLESRC "
srclib  =  "selected  "
srclen  =  "00112"
srccssid=  "00037">
     H COPYRIGHT('02/12/1998 Craig Rutledge < [URL unfurl="true"]www.jcrcmds.com[/URL] > ')
      // JCRANZOR - generate report showing ospec spacing for RPG4
      // This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
      // of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      // 12/03/1999 - correctly stagger field names if descending
      // 08/20/2000 - added report layout only
      // 02/15/2001 - process - (minus sign) in position offset
      // 12/04/2001 - use alloc memory instead of data queue method
      // 12/05/2001 - corrected problem reported by Joe_Solis
      //              replace two single quotes with one single quote
      //              before calcing length of output constant.
      // program summary:
      // allocate memory for fields names array
      // call program to process fields in /copy books
      //      call program to load field names & attributes into memory
      // unload memory into field definition arrays.
      // read rpg source code specs
      // load output arrays with positional field data and field names
      // print
     Fqrpgsc    if   f  112        disk    extfile(i_extfile) extmbr(i_smbr)
     F                                     usropn
     Fqsysprt   o    f  198        printer oflind(*inof)  usropn
     D Formatted1      s              1    dim(198)                             PRINT LINE1
     D Formatted2      s            198                                         FIELD NAMES
     D Formatted3      s            198                                         NO OVERLAY FLD NAMES
     D alpha135        s            135
     D FilErr          s             10a
     D qs              c                   ''''                                 single quote
     D memFields       ds                  based(memptr1)  align
     D  memNumEntries                 5u 0
     D  memEntryLen                   5u 0
     D memPassPtr      s               *   inz(*null)
     D ArryRuler1      s             10    dim(19)                              RULER ON PAGE
     D ArryRuler2      s              1    dim(198)                             RULER ON PAGE
     D UnderLine       s            198    inz(*all'_')
     D FormatLine      s              1    inz(*all'_') dim(198)                h,t,d,e lines
     D vEditMask       s            256                                         EDIT MASK
      // emln   -  edit mask length
      // rcvln  -  receiver variable length
      // svlp   -  source variable precision
      // svlp   -  source variable decimal position
     D vEdtMaskLn      s             10i 0
     D vRecvrLen       s             10i 0
     D vSrcVarPre      s             10i 0
     D vSrcVarDec      s             10i 0
      // Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))                bytes provided
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)                               bytes returned
     D  vmsgid                        7a                                        error msgid
     D  vresvd                        1a                                        reserved
     D  vrpldta                      50a                                        replacement data
      // Field attribute info
     D MapFldData      ds                  inz
     D   MapFldLen                    5  0
     D   MapDecPos                    2
     D    MapdecposN                  2s 0 overlay(mapdecpos)
     D   MapDtaTyp                    1
     D   MapFldSrc                   10
     D   MapFldTxt                   25
     D  decpos         s              1  0 inz(0)
     D vnines          s             30    inz(*all'9')                         build pseudo number
     D vzeros          s             30    inz(*all'0')
     D xa              s              5i 0
     D xb              s              5u 0
     D xe              s              5i 0
     D xf              s              3u 0                                      )
     D xg              s              3u 0                                      (
     D xh              s              3u 0                                      (
     D xi              s              5u 0
     D xj              s              5u 0                                      load index
     D xk              s              5u 0
     D xm              s              5i 0
     D xo              s              5u 0
     D plen            s              3u 0                                      )
     D dummy           s              5u 0
     D                 ds                  inz
     D DimSizeA                1      5                                         alpha array dim size
     D DimSize                 1      5s 0                                      numeric dim size
     D FloatDollar     s              3    inz('''$''')
     D                 ds                  inz
     D v30_9Alph               1     30
     D v30_9DecZ               1     30s 9
     D v30_9Dec        s             30p 9 inz(0)
     D vwhole          s             21                                         whole part of number
     D vdecim          s              9                                         decimal part
     D IntegerLength   s              5u 0 inz(0)
     D                 ds                  inz
     D plspos                  1      5
     D plsposN                 1      5s 0
     D LoadNamFlg      s             14    inz('Load Name Flag')
     D LookUpName      s             15                                         drop array index
     D LastEndPos      s              5u 0 inz(0)
     D BuildEditd      ds                                                       edit code returned
     D  ArryOfBld                     1    dim(40)
     D IPPfield        s             12                                         IPP prompt data
     D ArryOfFmt       s              1    dim(84)
     D up              c                   const('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
     D lo              c                   const('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
     D FieldNames      s             15    dim(4000)                            FIELD NAMES & DTA
     D FieldAttrb      s             43    dim(%elem(FieldNames))
     D ii              s              5u 0 inz(0)
     D vMemData        s             58    based(memptr2)
     D vrcvar          s            256
     D FirstTime       s              2    inz('XX')
     D O_EndPosN       s              5s 0 based(O_EndPtr)
     D O_EndPtr        s               *   inz(%addr(O_EndPos))
      // Create Prototypes for calls
     D JCRFLDCPYR      PR                  ExtPgm('JCRFLDCPYR')                 process fields
     D                                 *                                        memory allocation
     D  i_extfile                    21A
     D  i_smbr                       10A
     D  i_pcallingcmd                10A   const
     D  i_perror                     10A
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D qeccvtec        PR                  ExtPgm('QECCVTEC')                   GENERATE EDIT MASK
     D                              256                                         RECEIVER VARIAB
     D                               10i 0                                      MASK LENGTH
     D                               10i 0                                      RECEIVER LENGTH
     D                                1    const                                0 BALANCE FILE
     D                                1                                         EDIT CODE
     D                                1    const                                BLANK FILL
     D                               10i 0 const                                FIELD LENGTH
     D                               10i 0 const                                DECIMAL LOCATION
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDs)
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D qecedt          PR                  ExtPgm('QECEDT')                     APPLY MASK
     D                              256                                         RECEIVER VARIAB
     D                               10i 0                                      MASK LENGTH
     D                               30p 9                                      TO BE EDITED
     D                               10    const                                TYPE
     D                               10i 0 const                                FIELD LENGTH
     D                              256                                         EDIT MASK
     D                               10i 0                                      MASK LENGTH
     D                                1    const                                0 BALANCE FILE
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDs)
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D qmhsndpm        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')                   SEND MESSAGES
     D                                7a   const                                ID
     D                               20a   const                                FILE
     D                               65a   const                                TEXT
     D                               10i 0 const                                LENGTH
     D                               10a   const                                TYPE
     D                               10a   const                                QUEUE
     D                               10i 0 const                                STACK ENTRY
     D                                4a   const                                KEY
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D qusrmbrd        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSRMBRD')                   RETRIEVE MBR DESC
     D                              135a                                        RECEIVER
     D                               10i 0 const                                LENGTH OF RECVR
     D                                8a   const                                UPLOAD TYPE
     D                               20a   const                                FILE   LIB
     D                               10a   const                                MEMBER NAME
     D                                1a   const                                PROCESS OVERIDE
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)                      error parm
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D system          PR            10I 0 extproc('system')
     D  i_cmd                          *   value options(*string)
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D main            PR                  extpgm('JCRANZOR')
     D                               10A
     D                               20A
     D                                4A
      //    -------------------------------------------------------------
     D main            PI                                                       Input Parms
     D  i_smbr                       10A
     D  i_sfil_slib                  20A
     D  i_layout                      4A
     D  i_sfil         s             10A
     D  i_slib         s             10A
     D  i_extfile      s             21A
     Iqrpgsc    ns
     I                                 13   14  ArrayLineType
     I                                 18   18  LineType

     I                                 19   19  O_Comment
     I                                 28   31  O_AndOr
     I                                 29   29  O_LinType
     I                                 33   41  O_Indicat
     I                                 52   54  O_SpaceB
     I                                 55   57  O_SpaceA
     I                                 58   60  O_SkipB
     I                                 61   63  O_SkipA
     I                                 42   55  O_Ename
     I                                 56   56  O_EditCode
     I                                 59   63  O_EndPos
     I                                 65   92  O_Constant
     I                                 19  102  ArryOfFmt
      // Determine member type.
       callp  QUSRMBRD(
 1b    if  %subst(alpha135:49:10) = 'RPGLE    ' or
          %subst(alpha135:49:10) = 'SQLRPGLE ';
          i_sfil = %subst(alpha135:9:10);
          i_slib = %subst(alpha135:19:10);
          i_extfile=%trimr(i_slib) + '/' + i_sfil;

          // Send status message
          callp  QMHSNDPM(
                 'CPF9898':'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':
                 'O spec layout for '+
                 %trimr(i_extfile) + ' member ' +
                 %trimr(i_smbr) + ' - in progress':
                 65:'*STATUS':'*EXT': 1:'    ':

          // Allocate memory for field attribute loader to use
          // and initialize the entry counter and size fields

          callp  JCRFLDCPYR(memPassPtr:
                 'JCRANZO  ':

          // if file-not-found error, send message
 2b       if  FilErr <> *blanks;
             dealloc  memptr1;
             callp  qmhsndpm('CPD0006':'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':
                    '0000 *ERROR*  External file ' +
                    %trimr(FilErr) + ' not found in *libl.':
                    70:'*DIAG':'*CTLBDY':1:'    ':vApiErrDS);

             callp  qmhsndpm('CPD0002':'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':
                    '                                       ':
                    30:'*ESCAPE':'*CTLBDY':1:'    ':vApiErrDS);
 2e       endif;

          // override printer file
          callp  system('OVRPRTF FILE(QSYSPRT) '+
                 'PAGESIZE(66 198) CPI(15) SPLFNAME('+
          open  qrpgsc;
          open  qsysprt;
          *in50 = (i_LayOut  = '*YES');
          except  Heading;

          // -------------------------------------------
          // Pull all entries from memory
          // -------------------------------------------
 2b       for  dummy = 1 to memNumEntries;
             memptr2 =memPtr1 + (ii * memEntryLen)+5;
 2e       endfor;
          dealloc  memptr1;

          // load ruler to print positions
 2b       for  xa=1 to 198;
 2e       endfor;

 2b       for  xa=1 to 19;
             evalr  ArryRuler1(xa)=%subst(%editc(xa:'3'):5:1);
 2e       endfor;
          except  RulerPrint;

          // -------------------------------
          read  qrpgsc;
 2b       dow  not %eof;

 3b          if ArrayLineType = '**' or
                Linetype = 'P' or
                Linetype = 'p';
 2v             leave;
 3e          endif;

 3b          if (LineType='O' or LineType='o') and
                (not (o_comment ='*' or o_comment='/'));

                // Determine type of Ospec and print.
 4b             if  O_LinType <> *blanks  and
                   O_AndOr <> 'OR '  and
                   O_AndOr <> 'AND';
                   exsr  srIPOLine;
 4x             else;
                   clear   IPPfield;
                   exsr  srGetFieldAttr;
                   exsr  srFieldLoad;
 4e             endif;
 3e          endif;
             read  qrpgsc;
 2e       enddo;

          // all processed.
          except  PrintLine;
          close  qrpgsc;
          close  qsysprt;
          callp  system('DLTOVR FILE(QSYSPRT)');

          // send completion message
          callp  QMHSNDPM(
                 '       ':'                    ':
                 'O spec layout for '+
                 %trimr(i_smbr) + ' in ' +
                 %trimr(i_extfile)  + ' - completed':
                 65:'*INFO  ':'*CTLBDY ': 1:'    ':
 1e    endif;

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // First, print field data for previous line.
       // Format the line data. Any space is loaded with a '_'
       // then it is loaded into an array for printing.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srIPOLine;
 1b    if  FirstTime = 'NO';
          except  PrintLine;
          clear   formatted1;
          clear   formatted2;
          clear   formatted3;
          clear   xj;
          clear   LastEndPos;
 1e    endif;
       FirstTime = 'NO';

       // ---------------------------------------------------------
 1b    for  xm= 1 to 84;
 2b       if  ArryOfFmt(xm) = ' ';
             ArryOfFmt(xm) = '_';
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       except  NewLine;

       // -----------------------------------------------------------
       // Load the data into the print array.
       // -----------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srFieldLoad;
       // ---------------------------------------------------------
       // end position = blank        Load from the Left to right
       // ---------------------------------------------------------
 1b    if  O_Endpos = *blank;
          xj = LastEndPos;

 2b       if
             IPPfield = 'Constant    ';
             exsr srDoConstLeft;

 2x       elseif
             IPPfield = 'Alpha Field ';
             exsr srDoAlphaLeft;

 2x       elseif
             IPPfield = 'Num EditWord';
             exsr srDoConstLeft;

 2x       elseif
             IPPfield = 'Num EditCode';
             exsr srDoEditCodeLeft;
 2e       endif;

 1x    else;

          // -----------------------------------------------------
          // end position = + and some value  load from left to right
          // 2/15/01 check for - in endposition
          // -----------------------------------------------------
          clear xb;
          xe = %scan('+':O_Endpos:1);
 2b       if  xe = 0;
             xb = %scan('-':O_Endpos:1);
 2e       endif;

 2b       if  xe  > 0       //plus
             or xb  > 0;    //minus
             clear   plspos;
 3b          if  xe  > 0;                                              //plus
                %subst(plspos:xe+1) = %subst(O_endpos:xe+1);                       //drop plus sign
 3x          else;
                %subst(plspos:xb+1) = %subst(O_endpos:xb+1);   //drop minus sign
 3e          endif;

 3b          if  plspos=*blanks;
 3x          else;
 3e          endif;

 3b          if  xe > 0;                                              //plus
                xj    = LastEndPos + xj;
 3x          else;
                xj    = LastEndPos - xj;
 3e          endif;

 3b          if
                IPPfield = 'Constant    ';
                exsr  srDoConstLeft;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Alpha Field ';
                exsr  srDoAlphaLeft;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Num EditWord';
                exsr  srDoConstLeft;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Num EditCode';
                exsr  srDoEditCodeLeft;
 3e          endif;

             // ----------------------------------------------
             // end position is given, load from right to left
             // ----------------------------------------------
 2x       else;
 3b          if  O_EndPos=*blanks;
 3x          else;
 3e          endif;

 3b          if
                IPPfield = 'Constant    ';
                exsr  srDoConstRight;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Alpha Field ';
                exsr  srAlphaRight;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Num EditWord';
                exsr  srDoConstRight;
 3x          elseif
                IPPfield = 'Num EditCode';
                exsr  srDoEditCodeRight;
 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endif;

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // load edit coded field with no endpos or + endpos.
       // The BuildEditd field is the end result of an API edit mask apply.
       //  Blanks and zeros are  filtered out.   Also, filter the
       //  a decimal point '.' from zero decimal numbers.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr srDoEditCodeLeft;
       exsr  srGetEditCode;

       LoadNamFlg = 'Start FldNam';

 1b    for  xm = 1 to 40;
 2b       if  (ArryOfBld(xm) > ' ' AND
             ArryOfBld(xm) <> '0');

 3b          if  (decpos = 0     AND
                ArryOfBld(xm) =  '.');
 3x          else;

                xj = xj + 1;

 4b             if  LoadNamFlg = 'Start FldNam';
                   exsr  srLoadFieldName;
 4e             endif;

                formatted1(xj) = ArryOfBld(xm);

 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       LastEndPos = xj;                            //reset last end pos

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // load edit coded field with end positions.
       //  Start at end position and work backwards.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr srDoEditCodeRight;
       exsr  srGetEditCode;

       LastEndPos = xj;

 1b    for  xa=40 downto 1 by 1;
 2b       if  (ArryOfBld(xa) > ' ' AND
             ArryOfBld(xa) <> '0');

 3b          if  (decpos = 0     AND
                ArryOfBld(xa) =  '.');
 3x          else;

                xj = xj - 1;
                formatted1(xj) = ArryOfBld(xa);    //load edited field

 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       // -----------------------------------------------------
       // set variables to to load field name into print arrays
       // -----------------------------------------------------
 1b    if  xi <= 0;
          xi = 1;
 1e    endif;

       exsr  srStagger;

       // ----------------------------------------------------------
       // Process numeric fields that have edit words or constants.
       // The only difference is Edtwords have ' ' replaced with '9'.
       // ----------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srDoConstLeft;
       LoadNamFlg = 'Start FldNam';

 1b    for  xm= 2 to 28;
 2b       if  %subst(O_Constant:xm:1) = qs;
 1v          leave;
 2e       endif;
          xj = xj + 1;

 2b       if  LoadNamFlg = 'Start FldNam';
             exsr  srLoadFieldName;
 2e       endif;

 2b       if  %subst(O_Constant:xm:1) = ' ' and
             IPPfield = 'Num EditWord';

 3b          if
                formatted1(xj) = 'D';
 3x          elseif
                formatted1(xj) = 'Z';
 3x          elseif
                formatted1(xj) = 'T';
 3x          else;
                formatted1(xj) = '9';               //load edited field
 3e          endif;

 2x       else;
             formatted1(xj) = %subst(O_Constant:xm:1);   //load constants
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       LastEndPos = xj;

       // -----------------------------------------
       // Constants or Edit worded fields.
       // Start at end position and work backwards.
       // -----------------------------------------
       begsr  srDoConstRight;
       // ---------
       // per Joe_Solis,  a RPG output constant uses two single
       // quotes to specify that one single quote should be printed.
       // This section replaces the two single quotes with one single
       // quote before calculating the length of the constant.
 1b    dow  xe>0;
 1e    enddo;
       // ---------

       xe=%checkr(' ':O_constant);
       LastEndPos = xj;

 1b    for  xa = (xe-1) downto 2 by 1;
          xj = xj - 1;

 2b       if  %subst(O_Constant:xa:1) = ' ' and
             IPPfield = 'Num EditWord';
 3b          if
                formatted1(xj) = 'D';
 3x          elseif
                formatted1(xj) = 'Z';
 3x          elseif
                formatted1(xj) = 'T';
 3x          else;
                formatted1(xj) = '9';               //load edited field
 3e          endif;
 2x       else;
             formatted1(xj) = %subst(O_Constant:xa:1);    //load constants
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       // ---------------------------------
       // set variable to load field name.
       // ---------------------------------
 1b    if  o_ename <> *blanks;
 2b       if  xi <= 0;
             xi = 1;
 2e       endif;

          exsr  srStagger;
 1e    endif;

       // -----------------------------------------
       // load edit coded field with end positions.
       // -----------------------------------------
       begsr  srAlphaRight;

       LastEndPos = xj;

 1b    for  dummy=1 to MapFldLen;
          xj = xj - 1;
          formatted1(xj) = 'X';   //load edited field
 1e    endfor;

       // --------------------------------------
       // set variables to load field name.
       // --------------------------------------
 1b    if  xi <= 0;
          xi = 1;
 1e    endif;

       exsr  srStagger;

       // ------------------------------------------------
       // Process alpha fields with no end postions or
       //  + postioning.  load from front
       // ------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srDoAlphaLeft;

       // ------------------------------------------------
       // set variables to load field name.
       // ------------------------------------------------
 1b    if  xi <= 0;
          xi = 1;
 1e    endif;
       exsr  srStagger;

       // ------------------------------------------------
       // Load 'X's to positionally represent alpha field.
       // ------------------------------------------------
 1b    for  dummy=1 to MapFldLen;
          xj = xj + 1;
          formatted1(xj) = 'X';
 2b       if  xj=198;
 1v          leave;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endfor;

       LastEndPos = xj;

       // ------------------------------------------------
       // Set values to load field name for this time variable.
       // ------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srLoadFieldName;
 1b    if  xi <= 0;
          xi = 1;
 1e    endif;
       exsr  srStagger;
       LoadNamFlg = 'Reset         ';

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // The Formatted2 & Formatted3 business is to stagger field
       // field names if short length fields.
       // 9   99
       // Fieldname 1
       // Fieldname 2
       // Also need to be careful of fields names that extend past 198.
       // example:  Field a123456789  is in position 197..  there is not
       // enough room to load the entire field name.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srStagger;
       xo = %len(%trimr(o_ename));

 1b    if(m)  (198-(xk-1)) < xo;
          xo = (198-(xk-1));
 1e    endif;

 1b    if  %subst(Formatted2:xi:xo+1) = *blanks;
          %subst(Formatted2:xk:xo) = o_ename;
 1x    else;
          %subst(Formatted3:xk:xo) = o_ename;
 1e    endif;

       // -----------------------------------------------------
       // Get field name attributes.
       // If a field name, then look up array to get attributes.
       // -----------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srGetFieldAttr;
 1b    if  O_Constant <> *blanks  AND
          O_Ename    = *blanks;
          IPPfield= 'Constant    ';
 1x    else;

          // -----------------------------------------------------
          // There could be an indexed array name as an output field.
          // Do a lookup with the array name to get the attributes.
          // -----------------------------------------------------
          lookupname = O_ename;
          xa = %scan('(':LookUpName:1);
 2b       if  xa<>0;
             lookupname = %subst(lookupname:1:xa-1);
 2e       endif;
          // -----------------------------------------------------

 2b       if  xa>0;
             MapFldData = FieldAttrb(xa);
 3b          if  mapdecpos = *blanks;
                decpos   =0;
 3x          else;
                decpos   =mapdecposN;
 3e          endif;

             // -----------------------------------------------------
             // Back to the array fun!  It could be that an
             // that an un-indexed array name was coded on output.
             // The JCRFLDGETR program brings in the array definitions
             // in two parts.  Multiply element length by num elements.
             // -----------------------------------------------------
             xg = %scan('DIM(': MapFldTxt:1);
 3b          if  xg <> 0   and
                LookUpName = O_Ename;                //not indexed
                xf = %scan(')': MapFldTxt:xg);
 4b             if  xf <> 0;                         //end of )

                   plen  = (xf-1)-4;
                   xh = 6 - plen;
                   %subst(DimSizeA:xh:plen) =
 5b                if  DimSizeA=*blanks;
 5e                endif;
                   // make numeric
                   MapFldLen = MapFldLen * DimSize;  //array size
 4e             endif;
 3e          endif;
             // -----------------------------------------------------
 3b          if
                MapDtaTyp = 'A';
                IPPfield= 'Alpha Field ';

 3x          elseif
                MapDtaTyp = 'D' or
                MapDtaTyp = 'T' or
                MapDtaTyp = 'Z';
                IPPfield= 'Num EditWord';
                exsr MakeLikeAnEditWord;
 3x          else;
 4b             if  O_Constant <> *blanks and
                   O_Editcode = ' ';
                   IPPfield= 'Num EditWord';
 4x             else;
                   IPPfield= 'Num EditCode';
 4e             endif;
 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endif;

       // -----------------------------------------------------
       // 6/13/2002 thanks to Andre Gheldof in .de .
       // New to O specs is the ability to format date, time and
       // and timestamp fields.  I have decided the best way to
       // handle it would be to dummy up the field length
       // and create a fake edit word based on type field and
       // and type formating selected.
       // -----------------------------------------------------
       begsr MakeLikeAnEditWord;
 1b    if
          MapDtaTyp = 'Z';
          O_Constant =qs+'    -  -  -  .  .  .      '+qs;

 1x    elseif
          MapDtaTyp = 'T';
 2b       if
             O_Constant =qs+'  .  _XM'+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant='*HMS' or
             O_Constant =qs+'  :  :  '+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant='*ISO' or
             O_Constant =qs+'  .  .  '+qs;

 2x       else;
             O_Constant =qs+'  :  :  '+qs;
 2e       endif;

 1x    elseif
          MapDtaTyp = 'D';
 2b       if
             O_Constant='*MDY' or
             O_Constant='*YMD' or
             O_Constant =qs+'  /  /  '+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant =qs+'  /    '+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant='*ISO' or
             O_Constant =qs+'    -  -  '+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant='*USA' or
             O_Constant='    ';
             O_Constant =qs+'  /  /    '+qs;

 2x       elseif
             O_Constant =qs+'  .  .    '+qs;
 2e       endif;

 1e    endif;

       // -----------------------------------------------------
       // Fill the whole number part of the number.
       // Number of decimals is subtracted from field length to get number
       // of digits in whole number.  The correct amount of zeros and nines
       // are loaded into the field
       // The end result for a 9,2 field would be 000000000000009999999
       // NOTE: Y editcodes are alway 99/99/99.
       // -----------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srGetEditCode;
 1b    if  O_EditCode = 'Y' or
          O_EditCode = 'y';

          BuildEditd = ' 99/99/99 ';
 2b       if  MapFldLen = 8;
             BuildEditd = ' 99/99/9999 ';
 2e       endif;

 1x    else;
          IntegerLength = MapFldLen - decpos;
          vwhole =
          %subst(vzeros:1:(%size(vwhole)- IntegerLength)) +

          // -------------------------------------------------------
          // this expression is used to load the decimal part.
          // The number of decimal places is used to load up left side
          // side of field with 9's and fill out the remainder with zeros.
          // The end result for a 9,2 field would be 990000000
          // -------------------------------------------------------
 2b       if  decpos = 0;
             vdecim = *all'0';
 2x       else;
             vdecim =
             %subst(vnines:1:decpos) +
 2e       endif;

          // -------------------------------------------------------
          // Make a negative numeric so the edit code application
          // can generate max size.
          // -------------------------------------------------------
          v30_9Alph = vwhole + vdecim;
          v30_9Dec=V30_9DecZ;           //make packed
          v30_9Dec = -(v30_9Dec);       //make negative

 2b       if  O_EditCode = ' ';         //Use 'Z' so mapper will work
             O_EditCode = 'Z';
 2x       else;
 2e       endif;
          exsr  srBuildEditMask;

          // -------------------------------------------------------
          // If API doesn't apply user defined edit codes, it returns blank.
          // The next 3 lines will at least load the length of the field
          // so it will show on the report.
          // -------------------------------------------------------
 2b       if  vrcvar = *blanks;           //could not apply
             vrcvar = %subst(vnines:2:MapFldLen);
 2e       endif;

          BuildEditd = vrcvar;

          // -------------------------------------------------------
          // Load if field has a floating $ sign.
          // -------------------------------------------------------
 2b       if  o_constant = FloatDollar;
 3b          if  xe > 1;
                %subst(BuildEditd:xe:1) = '$';
 3e          endif;
 2e       endif;
 1e    endif;

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // Create the edit mask required to apply the edit code.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srBuildEditMask;
       callp  QECCVTEC(
              ' ':
              ' ':
              30 :
              9 :

       vEditMask = vrcvar;
       exsr  srApplyEditMask;

       // -------------------------------------------------------
       // Apply the edit mask generated by the edit code
       // see system programmer interface reference
       // note:  if you are using a leading 0 suppress in front of a
       // constant, then you must make the field length parm 1
       // bigger than the actual value of the field.
       // -------------------------------------------------------
       begsr  srApplyEditMask;
       clear   vrcvar;
       callp  QECEDT(
              v30_9Dec :
              30       :
              ' ':
     Oqsysprt   e            Heading        2 01
     O                                           23 'JCRANZO4R      Member:'
     O                       i_smbr              34
     O                                           52 ' Source File:'
     O                       i_sfil              63
     O                                           85 'Source Library:'
     O                       i_slib              96
     O                       udate         y    132
     O          e            RulerPrint     1
     O                       ArryRuler1         190
     O          e            RulerPrint     1
     O                       ArryRuler2         198
     O          e            RulerPrint     2
     O                       underline          198
     O          e            NewLine     1  1
     O              n50      FormatLine         198
     O          e            PrintLine      1
     O                       formatted1         198
     O          e   n50      PrintLine      1
     O                       formatted2         198
     O          e   n50      PrintLine      1
     O                       formatted3         198
]]>  </copysrc>
]]>  </compile>
<sendmsg  sendmsgid="CPF9897" sendmsgtype = "*STATUS   "><![CDATA[
Installing JCRRECGETR  type RPGLE - in progress.
]]>  </sendmsg>
mbrname =  "JCRRECGETR"
mbrtype =  "RPGLE     "
mbrtext =  "Record format/file xref for RPG source        jcr "
srcfile =  "QRPGLESRC "
srclib  =  "selected  "
srclen  =  "00112"
srccssid=  "00037">
     H COPYRIGHT('03/06/1998 Craig Rutledge < [URL unfurl="true"]www.jcrcmds.com[/URL] > ')
      // JCRRECGETR - Get file info for files used in RPG source
      // This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
      // of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      // 04/25/2000 - allow for multiple-record format environment IGNORE / INCLUDE
      // 05/01/2000 - made this into called program for use by various commands.
      //             merged support for Prefix and External Data Structures to
      //             accomodate JCRRFLD command.
      // 01/14/2002 - /free format
      // program summary:
      // read rpg F specs
      // optionally read D specs for external DS names
      // call apis to extract record format names.
      // call api to extract based on physical file name
      // api (application program interfaces) used:
      // qdbrtvfd  retrieve data base relations
      // qusptrus  retrieve pointer to user space
      // quslrcd   list record formats
      // _TSTBTS   MI test bits function
     Fqrpgsc    if   f  112        disk    extfile(i_extfile) extmbr(i_extmbr)
     F                                     usropn
      // define array and element of that array to process record formats
     D arrsort         s            100    dim(300) ascend                       SORTED NAMES& DTA
     D arryelemds      ds
     D   asortsequen                  1a
     D   afilename                   10a
     D   aformatname                 10a
     D   arenamedfmt                 10a
     D   abasedonpf                  10a
     D   ausage                       1a
     D   adesc                       29a
     D   afileords                    1a
     D   aprefix                     10a
     D   aprefix_chr                  1s 0
     D   adsname                     15a
     D savprefix       s                   like(aprefix)
     D savprefix_      s                   like(aprefix_chr)
     D savkeyword4     s                   like(keyword4)
Hey, thanks for that tip from the Craig Rutledge utilities.

I will give that one a try.

Not open for further replies.

Part and Inventory Search

