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Printing double for each event

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May 16, 2007
Version: Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2005

I have an event report that is created by the person before me; this report lists all the events for provided date, for some reason is printing double for each event. Under Details Section Expert there is suppress formula: whileprintingrecords; {#RecCount} = 0 and under Footer section there is another formula: whileprintingrecords; {#RecCount}<> 0. the RecCount is a Running Total that under Field Summarize is the EventDate and Type of summary is count. Please help me with this problem.

Thanks in advance - Mary
Do you get two detail lines per event, when there should only be one? Probably it is the same detail record but two 'rows' because it is linked to something else.

If you link A to B, and one occurance of A is linked to six of B, you get six 'rows' with the data for both A and B.

The normal solution is to group by some suitable field in A. You can then suppress the detail lines and show the details of A in the group header or footer.

In your case, this would probably be grouping by 'Event', as an extra group below the existing groups.

[yinyang] Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10 [yinyang]
Madawc - as soon as I group it is giving me 0 data?
Marykay: WHy not answer Madawc's question?

Stating technical information i9s better then "it doesn't work".

Post where you are displaying (details, group level???), and if you are using formulas or fields, and post formulas where relevent.

Stating " 0 and under Footer section there is another formula" doesn';t help either unles you bothe to take the time to state what type of footer, report footer, page footer, group footer...

Please, spend a little time on your posts and supply meaningful information.

Madawc: This report has: Section 1 Report Header – Section 2 Page Header – Section 3 Details – Section 4 Report Footer – Section 5 Page Footer

Report does not have any Grouping – I don’t see any link anywhere – as soon as I group it by Event is giving me “no data”. On the first part of my question I explained where the formulas are. Please advice. Thanks
OK, I checked, it doesn't say where you are displaying, it says that you have a suppression in details, but that doesn't necessarily translate to all fields are displayed in the details or that you don't have groups, or which footer is being used.

Adding a group shouldn't suippress anything unless it is part of a child table and it's the first field used of that child table and the join wouold create no rows returned.

This is unique to CR 8.5 and below, btw.

Also someone wrote me staing that they thought I was being mean to you, I';m no0t, I'm asking you to take the time to post sepcifics.

Note I even said please...

But youy come back with the same sort of post which does not identify what you are doing nor where.
What Madawwc referred to is commonly termed row or record inflation.

To elimnate it requiores an understanding of the data and the report. This means the joins of any tables involved (or within embedde3d Views or SP), and what sections you are displaying in, and any formulas.

When you first introduce a column from a child table in CR 8.5, Crystalk changes the query to include that table, which can change the results.

However your lack of information makes it difficult to determine if this is the case.

Try posting the following:

Database/connectivity used
Pate in what's in Database->SHow SQL Query
State what fields are displayed in which section

Also try removeing all suppression formulas.

Madawc & synapsevampire: With your guidance I modified and fixed the report, thanks for your help again.
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