Using VS 2008 and I'm printing a line of text that has tabs embedded in it. Everything goes fine and I draw it to my Printdocument graphics object, but when I preview the output with the printpreviewdialog all of the tabs are missing from the text. If I debug it right at the point of the line
and look at the MyDocHeader string data with the 'Text Visualizer' it shows the tabs in the text correctly.
If makes any difference, the font and string format are set up this way:
Any ideas on why it's doing this? Thanks.
e.Graphics.DrawString(MyDocHeader, MyFont, Brushes.Black, HeaderPositionX, HeaderPositionY, MyStringFormat)
and look at the MyDocHeader string data with the 'Text Visualizer' it shows the tabs in the text correctly.
If makes any difference, the font and string format are set up this way:
Using MyFont As New Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
MyStringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
Any ideas on why it's doing this? Thanks.