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PRINT listview in tabular and formatted text 3

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Apr 26, 2004
i have a listview with data in image.

i need to send the value to the printer in a tabular mode...

the param are:

max lenght for each row 60 character max


REPARTO max lenght 34 align to the left
ID max lenght 3 align to the center
qty max lenght 3 align to the center
PREZZO max lenght 10 align to the right
TOT. max lenght 10 align to the right

max lenght of each row 34+3+3+10+10

but really, i can assign to the var STRINGA (As String) the code line:

Printer.Print Spc((3 - Len(.ColumnHeaders(2).Text)) / 2); .ColumnHeaders(2).Text; Tab(38);


STRINGA = .Print Spc((3 - Len(.ColumnHeaders(2).Text)) / 2); .ColumnHeaders(2).Text; Tab(38);
Not quite, since to build a string we need to feed it stings. But Tab(n) is not a string. So you need to build the string differently - converting Tab(n) - which is an absolute position - with Space(m) where you'd have to calculate m based on your current position inthe string and where you want to move to.

We can build it via a nUmber of Format functions, eg:

STRINGA = Format(listy, "!" & String(34, "@")) & Format(listy.ListSubItems(1), "@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(2), "@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(3), "@@@@@@@@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(4), "@@@@@@@@@@")

And here's that inserted into my example code duplicating the original method. There are also a couple of minor tweaks:
1) FRixed a positioning bug, as I used wrong tab for first parameter
2) Removed some of the 'centering' code, as with only a 3 character space in a fixed width solution it really didn't do very much useful

[blue]    Dim listy As ListItem
    With ListView1
        Debug.Print .ColumnHeaders(1); Tab([b][COLOR=red]35[/color][/b]); [COLOR=green]' corrected from previous version[/color]
        Debug.Print .ColumnHeaders(2); Tab(38);
        Debug.Print .ColumnHeaders(3); Tab(41);
        Debug.Print Spc(10 - Len(.ColumnHeaders(4))); .ColumnHeaders(4); Tab(51);
        Debug.Print Spc(10 - Len(.ColumnHeaders(5))); .ColumnHeaders(5)
        [COLOR=green]' Alternative version that actually builds a string[/color]
        Debug.Print Format(.ColumnHeaders(1), "!" & String(34, "@")) & Format(.ColumnHeaders(2), "!@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(3), "!@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(4), "@@@@@@@@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(5), "@@@@@@@@@@")
    End With
    For Each listy In ListView1.ListItems
        Debug.Print listy; TabTab([b][COLOR=red]35[/color][/b]); [COLOR=green]' corrected from previous version[/color]
        Debug.Print listy.ListSubItems(1); Tab(38);
        Debug.Print listy.ListSubItems(2); Tab(41);
        Debug.Print Spc(10 - Len(listy.ListSubItems(3))); listy.ListSubItems(3); Tab(51);
        Debug.Print Spc(10 - Len(listy.ListSubItems(4))); listy.ListSubItems(4)
        [COLOR=green]' Alternative version that actually builds a string[/color]
        Debug.Print Format(listy, "!" & String(34, "@")) & Format(listy.ListSubItems(1), "!@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(2), "!@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(3), "@@@@@@@@@@") & Format(listy.ListSubItems(4), "@@@@@@@@@@")

It's be great if we could use some sort of single formatting function to feed strings, alignment and position to be built into a final string, but the VB(A) format function isn't quite that flexible ... but VB.NET has such a flexible, powerful formatting capability. If only we could use it somehow ...


but have a dubt...

you fixed a position of first element to 35, and i see in Format(.ColumnHeaders(1), "!" & String(34, "@"))... 34, is correct?

the code work in other case!
Yes, they work slightly differently - one represents the next print position, the other represents the length of the string.

So, if a string is 34 characters long, the next position would be 35

Oh, and no-one biting on the "If only we could use it somehow"? It was a leading question ... (although it leads into slightly esoteric areas; for those that want a hint, have a look at my code in thread329-1570966)
sorry me, but prob to center text

        STRINGA = Format(.ColumnHeaders(1), "!" & String(32, "@")) & Format(.ColumnHeaders(2), "!@@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(3), "!@@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(4), "@@@@@@@@@@") & Format(.ColumnHeaders(5), "@@@@@@@@@@")
        Me.RichTextBox1.SelText = Me.RichTextBox1.SelText & STRINGA & vbCrLf
    End With

    Me.RichTextBox1.SelText = Me.RichTextBox1.SelText & "------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf

        For K = 0 To UBound(STRDBROWS, 2)
            STRPRZ = Format(STRDBROWS(7, K), "#,##0.00")
            STOTALE = Format(STRDBROWS(9, K), "#,##0.00")
            STRINGA = Format(STRDBROWS(4, K), "!" & String(32, "@")) & Format(STRDBROWS(5, K), "!@@@@") & Format(STRDBROWS(8, K), "!@@@@") & Format(STRPRZ, "@@@@@@@@@@") & Format(STOTALE, "@@@@@@@@@@")
            PRZ = PRZ + STRDBROWS(9, K)
            NRPZ = NRPZ + STRDBROWS(8, K)
            Me.RichTextBox1.SelText = Me.RichTextBox1.SelText & STRINGA & vbCrLf
        Next K
    End With 


i have modifiyed the code, because instead 3 digit i need 4 digit, always for 60 lenght string.

tghe valuye not is centered... see image

thevalue are in:

13-NOLEGGIO SPIAGGIA 101 2 15,00 30,00
1-CAFFETTERIA 1 4 1,00 4,00

i need to center the value in ID and QTY

this code print value in a richtextbox
sal21 / 2009luca,
By now you probably have noticed that everybody here shows you code formatted as code. It is a lot easier to read than just simple text, and you can differentiate between 'explanation' and 'code' in the posts.

Why don't you format your code as CODE... [ponder]

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
i need to center the value in ID and QTY"

13-NOLEGGIO SPIAGGIA [red]101 2[/red] 15,00 30,00
1-CAFFETTERIA [red]1 4[/red] 1,00 4,00
Define: center

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
>i need to center the value in ID and QTY

You sure? I ask because it isn't actually possible to center if using a fixed width font and print statements; I skated over that in earlier solutions, because with a 3 char column it isn't really noticeable that we didn't really center it (we just decided to go with left aligned)

For example

Single digit can be 'centered' in two positions - which would you want?


2 and 4 digits can be centered


And three digits can be 'centered' in two positions
Guessing here...

You have a column ID, which is 2 characters.
To 'Center' a 2 digits ID, it would be:[blue]
To 'Center' a 4 digits ID, it would be:[blue]
How do you 'center' 1 digit? Or 3 digits?

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson

2 and 4 digits can be centered for ID

Is it just me? But looks like your second [tt]With TICKET!LVSCONTRINO... End With[/tt] does not do anything, does not refer anywhere to [tt]TICKET!LVSCONTRINO[/tt]

What I would do is:
    STRINGA = Format(.ColumnHeaders(1), "!" & String(32, "@")) & _
        Format(.ColumnHeaders(2), "!@@@@") & _
        Format(.ColumnHeaders(3), "!@@@@") & _
        Format(.ColumnHeaders(4), "@@@@@@@@@@") & _
        Format(.ColumnHeaders(5), "@@@@@@@@@@")
End With

With Me.RichTextBox1
    .SelText = .SelText & STRINGA & vbCrLf
    .SelText = .SelText & String(60, "-") & vbCrLf
End With

For K = 0 To UBound(STRDBROWS, 2)
    STRPRZ = Format(STRDBROWS(7, K), "#,##0.00")
    STOTALE = Format(STRDBROWS(9, K), "#,##0.00")
    STRINGA = Format(STRDBROWS(4, K), "!" & _
        String(32, "@")) & _
        Format(STRDBROWS(5, K), "!@@@@") & _
        Format(STRDBROWS(8, K), "!@@@@") & _
        Format(STRPRZ, "@@@@@@@@@@") & _
        Format(STOTALE, "@@@@@@@@@@")

    With Me.RichTextBox1
        .SelText = .SelText & STRINGA & vbCrLf
    End With
Next K

Besides of renaming RichTextBox1 to something more meaningful, and use more standardized naming conventions, like strDBRows, strPRZ, strTotale (STOTALE), strA (STRINGA ) etc.

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
Andrzejek, yes!

I jhave see the second with dont refer to nothing, correct!

i cannot test now your code... i'm busy, wiht my wife in cucine! Pizza!!!!
Of course, now you are using a Rich Textbox we have a number of new options - such as setting our own tab stops in the control, with whatever alignment we want (although to be fair this is not straightforward)
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