I'm trying to print tent cards - 8½" wide and 5 high - with printing on both sides which means the text on one side has to be rotated 180° from the text on the other side, but CR doesn't do 180°.
So, I'm using letter sized paper, with landscape orientation and two sub-reports beside each other, each with the dimensions of one tent card and on each sub-report the text on back of the card is rotated by 270° and the text on the front is rotated 90°.
this works fine, except for the first and second pages. the first page is blank and on the second page - the first tent card with actual data - the tent card is shifted to the left by about ¼".
at first it was printing ok with no blank page at the beginning but the tent cards themselves were too far to the right, so I had to change the page margins and the margins on the section size and position dimensions a few times until it looked fine on the design page and on all of the tent card pages except the first one.
also, of course the detail section prints the data for one record so that both labels on the page are for the same person; what do I have to do so that the left tent card has the data from one record and right tent card has the data for the next record?
thank you