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Print job to Specific Network Printer 1

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Dec 20, 2004
How can I direct a specific print job to the network printer specified in code - not changing the default printer?
e.g.; docmd.printout "CSP001 on CSPServer"

I'm in a heavy multi-user system and cannot change default printers, but must direct this job only.
Depending of your version of access you may play with the Printers collection and the Printer property of the Application object.

Hope This Helps, PH.
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We are using Access 2003.

I can see printers and change a lot of properties, but cannot find how to choose printer "A" for Job "A" and printer "B" for job "B". I also want to set the number of copies.

Hi there

Open the report in design mode, Goto File, Page Setup, select the "Page" tab, select "Use Specific Printer", selct the printer you want the report to go to. This will associate that printer with the report.

Just a thought!

Kind regards

you can change the printer

1. function 1
first get the printers and list them in a usuable source, like a combo box. i used !cboPrinter as the combo to use.

2. function 2
then use the second function to print out the report.

Private Sub LoadPrinters()
Dim strDefaultPrinter As String
Dim strPaperSize As String
Dim strBins As String
Dim prt As Printer
Dim accObj As AccessObject
Dim intCount As Integer

If err.Number = 35600 Then
End If

On Error Resume Next


On Error GoTo FormOpen_Err

Set prtOriginal = Application.Printer

With Me
!cboPrinter.RowSource = ""
End With

' Loop through installed printers and add
' them to cboPrinter combo box.
Me!cboPrinter.RowSourceType = "Value List"
For Each prt In Application.Printers
Me!cboPrinter.AddItem Item:=prt.DeviceName
Next prt
Me!cboPrinter = Application.Printer.DeviceName

Exit Sub

Select Case err.Number
AccessMsgbox "No printers are installed. Install at least one printer " & _
"before opening this form."
DoCmd.Close ObjectType:=acForm, ObjectName:="frmPrinter"
Resume FormOpen_End
Case Else
AccessMsgbox prompt:=err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
Resume FormOpen_End
End Select
End Sub

Function fnPrintOutReport(strReportName As String, strPrinter As String, Optional stCriteria As String)
' Check if the report is open
On Error Resume Next

gblstRecieptCriteria = stCriteria
If CurrentProject.AllReports(strReportName).IsLoaded = False Then
' Open the report in print preview

DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , Nz(stCriteria, "")
' Call PrintReport to print out.
PrintReport strPrinter, strReportName
' Close the report.

DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName
' The report is already open, so print report.
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName

' Open the report in print preview
DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , Nz(stCriteria, "")

' Call PrintReport to print out.
PrintReport strPrinter, strReportName

DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName
End If

Exit Function
'write_errors "fnPrisntOutSelectedReport "
Exit Function
End Function

Mark P.
Providing Low Cost Powerful Point of Sale Solutions.
I'm with you up to "PrintReport strPrinter, strReportName".
I can't find anything on the function: PrintReport(strPrinter, strReportName). Please tell me more about it.

The whole issue I have is that I don't have the ability to assign a printer when I call a print job. I need to print 1 copy to the user's default printer and 2 copies to a specific printer at Admin for processing.

Thanks for the help,
oh, i forgot to include that.
Just put this in a new module.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Declaration for the DeviceCapabilities function API call.
Private Declare Function DeviceCapabilities Lib "winspool.drv" _
Alias "DeviceCapabilitiesA" (ByVal lpsDeviceName As String, _
ByVal lpPort As String, ByVal iIndex As Long, lpOutput As Any, _
ByVal lpDevMode As Long) As Long

' DeviceCapabilities function constants.
Private Const DC_PAPERNAMES = 16
Private Const DC_PAPERS = 2
Private Const DC_BINNAMES = 12
Private Const DC_BINS = 6
Private Const DEFAULT_VALUES = 0

Public Sub ShowPrinters()
Dim strCount As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim prtLoop As Printer

'on error goTo ShowPrinters_Err

If Printers.Count > 0 Then
' Get count of installed printers.
strMsg = "Printers installed: " & Printers.Count & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

' Enumerate printer system properties.
For Each prtLoop In Application.Printers
With prtLoop
strMsg = strMsg _
& "Device name: " & .DeviceName & vbCrLf _
& "Driver name: " & .DriverName & vbCrLf _
& "Port: " & .Port & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With
Next prtLoop

strMsg = "No printers are installed."
End If

' Display printer information
' AccessMsgBox err.Description, err.Number

Exit Sub

' AccessMsgBox Prompt:=Err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
' Title:="Error Number " & Err.Number & " Occurred"
' AccessMsgBox err.Description, err.Number
Resume ShowPrinters_End

End Sub

Public Sub ChangeBins()
Dim strReportName As String
Dim prt As Printer

'on error goTo ChangeBins_Err

strReportName = "Alphabetical List Of Products"

'Open the report in print preview
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=strReportName, View:=acViewPreview

' Get the Printer object for the report.
Set prt = Reports(strReportName).Printer

' Change the PaperBin property to print from the lower bin.
prt.PaperBin = acPRBNLower

' Use the PrintOut method to print only the first page of the report.
DoCmd.PrintOut PrintRange:=acPages, PageFrom:=1, PageTo:=1

' Change the PaperBin property to print from the upper bin.
prt.PaperBin = acPRBNUpper

' Use the PrintOut method to print the remainder of the report by
' specifying 2 for the PageFrom argument and 32767 for the PageTo
' argument. Because 32767 is the maximum number of pages that can be
' printed, all remaining pages will be printed.
DoCmd.PrintOut PrintRange:=acPages, PageFrom:=2, PageTo:=32767

' Close report without saving changes.
DoCmd.Close ObjectType:=acReport, ObjectName:=strReportName, Save:=acSaveNo

Exit Sub

' AccessMsgBox prompt:=err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
' AccessMsgBox err.Description, err.Number
Resume ChangeBins_End

End Sub

Function GetPaperSize(frmName As Form) As AcPrintPaperSize

' Check the string in the cboPaperSize box, and
' pass back the corresponding AcPrintPaperSize
' constant.
Select Case frmName!cboPaperSize
Case "Letter"
GetPaperSize = acPRPSLetter
Case "Legal"
GetPaperSize = acPRPSLegal
Case "Statement"
GetPaperSize = acPRPSStatement
Case "Executive"
GetPaperSize = acPRPSExecutive
End Select

End Function

Public Function GetPaperBin(frmName As Form) As AcPrintPaperBin

' Check the string in the cboPaperBin box, and
' pass back the corresponding AcPrintPaperBin
' constant.
Select Case frmName!cboPaperBin
Case "Default"
GetPaperBin = acPRBNAuto
Case "Upper"
GetPaperBin = acPRBNUpper
Case "Middle"
GetPaperBin = acPRBNMiddle
Case "Lower"
GetPaperBin = acPRBNLower
End Select

End Function

Public Sub PrintReport(StrPrinter As String, strReportName As String)
Dim prtApp As Printer

'on error goTo PrintReport_Err

' Get selected printer and set user-specified settings
Set prtApp = Application.Printers(StrPrinter)

Reports(strReportName).Printer = prtApp

DoCmd.PrintOut PrintRange:=acPrintAll

Exit Sub

' AccessMsgBox err.Description, vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
"Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
' AccessMsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number
Resume PrintReport_End

End Sub

Sub GetPaperList()
' Uses DeviceCapabilities API function to display a message box
' with the name of the default printer and a list of
' the papers it supports.

Dim lngPaperCount As Long
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim hPrinter As Long
Dim strDeviceName As String
Dim strDevicePort As String
Dim strPaperNamesList As String
Dim strPaperName As String
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim strMsg As String
Dim aintNumPaper() As Integer

'on error goTo GetPaperList_Err

' Get the name and port of the default printer.
strDeviceName = Application.Printer.DeviceName
strDevicePort = Application.Printer.Port

' Get the count of paper names supported by printer.
lngPaperCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
lpOutput:=ByVal vbNullString, _

' Re-dimension the array to the count of paper names.
ReDim aintNumPaper(1 To lngPaperCount)

' Pad the variable to accept 64 bytes for each paper name.
strPaperNamesList = String(64 * lngPaperCount, 0)

' Get the string buffer of all paper names supported by the printer.
lngPaperCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
lpOutput:=ByVal strPaperNamesList, _

' Get the array of all paper numbers supported by the printer.
lngPaperCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
iIndex:=DC_PAPERS, _
lpOutput:=aintNumPaper(1), _

' List the available paper names.
strMsg = "Papers available for " & strDeviceName & vbCrLf
For lngCounter = 1 To lngPaperCount

' Parse a paper name from the string buffer.
strPaperName = Mid(String:=strPaperNamesList, _
Start:=64 * (lngCounter - 1) + 1, Length:=64)
intLength = VBA.InStr(Start:=1, String1:=strPaperName, String2:=Chr(0)) - 1
strPaperName = Left(String:=strPaperName, Length:=intLength)

' Add a paper number and name to text string for the message box.
strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & aintNumPaper(lngCounter) _
& vbTab & strPaperName

Next lngCounter

' Show the paper names in a message box.
AccessMsgBox err.Description, err.Number

Exit Sub

' AccessMsgBox prompt:=err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
' AccessMsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number
Resume GetPaperList_End

End Sub

Sub GetBinList(strName As String)
' Uses the DeviceCapabilities API function to display a
' message box with the name of the default printer and a
' list of the paper bins it supports.

Dim lngBinCount As Long
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim hPrinter As Long
Dim strDeviceName As String
Dim strDevicePort As String
Dim strBinNamesList As String
Dim strBinName As String
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim strMsg As String
Dim aintNumBin() As Integer

'on error goTo GetBinList_Err

' Get name and port of the default printer.
strDeviceName = Application.Printers(strName).DeviceName
strDevicePort = Application.Printers(strName).Port

' Get count of paper bin names supported by printer.
lngBinCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
iIndex:=DC_BINNAMES, _
lpOutput:=ByVal vbNullString, _

' Re-dimension array to count of paper bins.
ReDim aintNumBin(1 To lngBinCount)

' Pad variable to accept 24 bytes for each bin name.
strBinNamesList = String(Number:=24 * lngBinCount, Character:=0)

' Get string buffer of paper bin names supported by printer.
lngBinCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
iIndex:=DC_BINNAMES, _
lpOutput:=ByVal strBinNamesList, _

' Get array of paper bin numbers supported by printer
lngBinCount = DeviceCapabilities(lpsDeviceName:=strDeviceName, _
lpPort:=strDevicePort, _
iIndex:=DC_BINS, _
lpOutput:=aintNumBin(1), _

' List available paper bin names.
strMsg = "Paper bins available for " & strDeviceName & vbCrLf
For lngCounter = 1 To lngBinCount

' Parse a paper bin name from string buffer.
strBinName = Mid(String:=strBinNamesList, _
Start:=24 * (lngCounter - 1) + 1, _
intLength = VBA.InStr(Start:=1, _
String1:=strBinName, String2:=Chr(0)) - 1
strBinName = Left(String:=strBinName, _

' Add bin name and number to text string for message box.
strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & aintNumBin(lngCounter) _
& vbTab & strBinName

Next lngCounter

' Show paper bin numbers and names in message box.
'AccessMsgBox Prompt:=strMsg
'AccessMsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number
Exit Sub
' AccessMsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number
' AccessMsgBox prompt:=err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
Resume GetBinList_End
End Sub

Sub ClearReportSettings()
Dim obj As AccessObject

'on error goTo ClearReportSettings_Err

' Open each report in the current project, and
' if the report is not using the default printer,
' reset its UseDefaultPrinter property to True.
For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllReports
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=obj.name, View:=acViewDesign
If Not Reports(obj.name).UseDefaultPrinter Then
Reports(obj.name).UseDefaultPrinter = True
DoCmd.Save ObjectType:=acReport, ObjectName:=obj.name
End If
AccessMsgBox err.Description, err.Number

Exit Sub
'AccessMsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number
' AccessMsgBox prompt:=err.Description, Buttons:=vbCritical & vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Error Number " & err.Number & " Occurred"
Resume ClearReportSettings_End
End Sub

Mark P.
Providing Low Cost Powerful Point of Sale Solutions.
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