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print hours

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Jul 13, 2006

I've made a perl script,
I will print the start hour of the script and the end hour.
I've make this


use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);


print "Started  ".strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime )."\n";
print "Stopped  ".strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime )."\n";

I've problem beacause i've the same hours;
the script start at 14:56:25
and ended at 15:00:12

and my script print
Started 14:56:25
Stopped 14:56:25
instead of
Started 14:56:25
Stopped 15:00:12

Can you help me , please

You could use Time::Local

No really very nice, buy it does the job

use Time::Local;

# start runtime here 
$time_esec11 = timelocal(localtime());
($SS11,$MI11,$HH11,$DD11,$MM11,$YY11,$DAY11) = localtime($time_esec11);

# at the end of your script

sub getruntime{

	my $time_esec2 = timelocal(localtime());
	my ($SS2,$MI2,$HH2,$DD2,$MM2,$YY2,$DAY2) = localtime($time_esec2);
	#print "TEND: $HH11.$MI11.$SS11\n";
	$HH3 =  $HH2-$HH11;	# 10:59.34 -> 11:06.34
	if ($MI2<$MI11){		#start min is greater than end min
		$HH3 -= 1;
		$MI3 = ($MI2 + 60) - $MI11;
	}else { 
		$MI3 =  $MI2-$MI11;
	if ($SS2<$SS11){		#start min is greater than end min
		$MI3 -= 1;
		$SS3 = ($SS2 + 60) - $SS11;
	}else { 
		$SS3 =  $SS2-$SS11;
	$runtime = "Execution Time: $HH3 HOURS, $MI3 MINUTES, $SS3 SECONDS";
	print "$runtime\n";
	return $runtime;


GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

the problem is the syntax, you are trying to use concatentation to print the start and end time strings, but you have the concatenation operator (.) inside the double-quotes which treats it like a literal dot. Since print expects a list you can use the comma operator but you could use concatentation if you put the operator in the right plce:


use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

print 'Started ' . strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime ) . "\n";
print 'Stopped ' . strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime ) . "\n";

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
Donny, I'm a bit confused. I ran

use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

print "Started  ".strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime )."\n";;
sleep 5;
print "Stopped  ".strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime )."\n";
which is effectively your original post with a sleep in it, and got
Started  21:27:17
Stopped  21:27:22
Did you perhaps have your code between the two timing points commented out for testing? [wink]


[small]"Every program can be reduced by one instruction, and every program has at least one bug. Therefore, any program can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't work." (Object::perlDesignPatterns)[/small]
oops, I see I made an error in viewing the code. The concatenation operator is not inside the double-quotes a I thought for some reason (lack of coffee or brains or both) so the original code should have worked sans any other problems or errors.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
sorry, it's run good
i've made an error,
firstly i've use this


use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $x = strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime );
print "Started  ".$x."\n";;
print "Stopped  ".$x."\n";
i was mistaken, i don't run the good script

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