I have the following code in a command button which prints a report called "JOM". The button prints the current record but it shows print preview first. I would like to skip the print preview and make it print the current report right away w/o getting print prewiew. What do I add or remove from the code?
Private Sub Print_Current_Click()
Dim strDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
strDocName = "JOM"
strWhere = "[ID]=" & Me!ID
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview, , strWhere
I would appriciate any help provided...
Private Sub Print_Current_Click()
Dim strDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
strDocName = "JOM"
strWhere = "[ID]=" & Me!ID
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview, , strWhere
I would appriciate any help provided...