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PRI Installation

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Jan 15, 2008
Hi All,
I have a definity csi release 6.
I have an exsisting PRI circuit installed that is working properly.
I have recently added a new PRI circuit.
I am using a TN 767E module and I am using a 120A CSU.
I have added the trunks to the same trunk group that the first T1 is assigned to.
The problem that I am having is that when I do a status of the trunk group I get a out of service near end only on the new trunks added to the group.
I created a new signaling group(2) and set it up the same way as the signaling group that the original T1 is.

I have moved the circuit to the TN card that the original T1 is connected too and the circuit comes up without any issues.
When I put either circuit in the new slot I get an out of service Near end.

I must be missing something on the programming side of things.

I have added DS1 parameters,signaling group,and added the trunks as members in the trunk group.

Is there something else that I might be missing?

Thank you,
On the DS-1 board form check the protocol is the same for both boards. Since they are in the same trunk group I assume they are the same carrier.

Do 'test board [slot]'. See if you pass test 138 (carrier). You could have bad hardware (TN767 or 120A ICSU). Try swapping components one at a time. Start with the DS-1 boards.

I have swapped out each component and I can get either circuit working in slot 12 but not slot 10.
When I do a status of signal group 2 It shows manual out of service.

Is it possible that I need to add a data module and a processor channel?

In slot 12 which I have assigned to sig group 1,I do a stat of sig 1 and I see in service and link 3 is active.

I hope this makes sense.
We use TN464's and set up a Primary D channel and secondary D channel. Maybe you can use that in place of the TN767.
I am pretty sure that all you have to do is add to your first group and not create anther D signaling channel. Your first signaling group should cover the other members you are adding. Set your Ds1 like this.

display ds1 01c20                                               Page   1 of   2
                                DS1 CIRCUIT PACK

            Location: 01C20                           Name: ISDN-PRI
            Bit Rate: 1.544                    Line Coding: b8zs
   Line Compensation: 1                       Framing Mode: esf
      Signaling Mode: isdn-ext

           Idle Code: 11111111

      Slip Detection? y                 Near-end CSU Type: integrated

then change you signaling group to this. Just add the new ds1 to it.

                                SIGNALING GROUP

 Group Number: 1              Group Type: isdn-pri
                    Associated Signaling? n          Max number of NCA TSC: 0
                       Primary D-Channel: 01D2024     Max number of CA TSC: 0
                      Secondary D-Channel:              Trunk Group for NCA TSC:
       Trunk Group for Channel Selection: 5
          Supplementary Service Protocol: a          Network Call Transfer? n

         Trunk Brd      Interface ID          Trunk Brd      Interface ID
          1: 02D15            2              11:
          2: 02D04            3

Make sure the provider is set up with the same protocol as the first ds1 is.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

I think you need a data module to a processor channel. Do a list data command you will find a display like below:

41209 01AXX02 procr-intf QSIG to Main 1 1 1
You will need to duplicate the data module of the current PRI.


Data Extension: 41209 Name: QSIG to Main
Type: procr-intf COS: 1 Maintenance Extension: 41213
Physical Channel: 02 COR: 1
ITC: restricted TN: 1



ASSIGNED MEMBER ( Station with a data extension button for this data module )

Ext Name
See the physical channel 2. You will find this in the following screen.
display communication-interface links


Est PI Destination DTE/
Link Enable Conn Ext Prot Digits Brd DCE Identification
1: y y 41210 BX25 eia DTE AUDIX
2: y y 41209 ISDN 01B13 QSIG to main

I repeat duplicate the one that is working.

Re post if you get stuck. G3V6 is two days older than dirt. I am finally getting mine replaced. You want spare parts when I do?

Hope this helps

1a2 to ip I seen it all
A 767 can not do D channels, only B channels for an NFAS circuit. You need a 464 if you are going to have a D channel on the T1 you are installing.
I think Ed has him in the right direction. I keep forgetting on the small systems that they are a little different than the G3R or servers.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

wow....lots of misinformation on this one. CMO has a csi which supports the D channel on tn767's just fine. A csi also does not support PRI data module or processor interface cards.

Bottom line, you need to go back to the provider and find out exactly what you ordered so we can give you the best answer. Did you order another stan alone pri with it'd own D channel, did you order this as NFAS to share the d channel you already have, did you order this as NFAS with a secondary D channel to compliment your existing circuit. We need to answer what was ordered 1st.

Ultimately it will probably be a 2nd PRI added to the 1st and Mikey's solution will be more or less the answer except 99% of installs utilize interface ID's 0 & 1 , and so on (not the 2 & 3) like in Mikey's example.

Mikey's example is NFAS and there is no D channel on the 767 because the board does not support D channels. Adding the interface ID in the signaling group does not give that board a D channel. 2nd page of Mikey's example notice the board 2d04 is not in either the primary or secondary D channel at the top just in the interface ID (this type of signaling is NFAS with no secondary D channel).

I agree there is a way to get a D channel via a processor interface card but it's not worth the hassel. Plug in a 464 and be done with it.
Chandler, tn767's do support a D channel in CSI's because the paccon is integrated into the processor. The csi is the exception to this rule without any need for additional equipment. G3si could also use a 767 for a D channel when equiped with a paccon board, or a G3si using the datamod method with a packet interface board. none of that matters though since the poster has a CSI and 767 act's identical to 464 in this application.

the poster even flopped the boards which shows the original circuit must be provisioned on a tn767 as well or a "no board"/mismatch would have occurred.

as far as interface ID's, these are how the D channel communicate which B channel each call is coming in or out on. The CO will signal the CPE that they are delivering a voice call on channel X of interaface ID Y with releavant setup data info like dnis, ani, and call type. While any ID's can be used as long as your circuits match the CO, CO's do not usually pick a random number like a "2" to start with when numbering PRI interface ID's. My point was this is normally a 0 for the 1st circuit, a 1 for the 2nd, etc..

hey mikey - i just looked at your example again and i see your 01D20 board isn't on your interface ID list at all(prob only because the screenshot is cutoff). is it further down on the list with an interface ID of 0? just curious.

That group has 10 ds1's, 238 members and a secondary d signaling channel. I just cut a pasted enough to give the OP the right direction and not confuse them with the them stuff.. I also changed csu to integrated instead of other like mine actually are. The interface number is "0" for the first D channel and 1 for the secondary.

display signaling-group 1                                       Page   1 of   5
                                SIGNALING GROUP

 Group Number: 1              Group Type: isdn-pri
                    Associated Signaling? n          Max number of NCA TSC: 0
                       Primary D-Channel: 01D2024     Max number of CA TSC: 0
                     Secondary D-Channel: 04D2024  Trunk Group for NCA TSC:
       Trunk Group for Channel Selection: 5
          Supplementary Service Protocol: a          Network Call Transfer? n

         Trunk Brd      Interface ID          Trunk Brd      Interface ID
          1: 02D15            2              11:
          2: 02D04            3              12:
          3: 02D05            4              13:
          4: 02D16            5              14:
          5: 04D17            7              15:
          6: 01C20            6              16:
          7: 01D20            0              17:
          8: 04D20            1              18:
          9: 03C09            8              19:
         10: 03D09            9

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

o.k.....lol....i knew you wern't making up those ID's, just didn't think you had a group with just 2 circuits using ID's 2&3. Thanks for the clarification.

Just to let you guys know how old I am getting..

Most of this group still has the Paradyne CSU's on them that I installed 15 years ago. (Remember those??) Not the little 8" boxes but the big 18" ones. I have yet to have one fail, but they don't make them like they used to.

Oh and to the OP, hopefully this clears it up for you. If not post and we'll spark another flurry of responses that we too can learn (or remember) from.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594


page 236

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3
Feature Description, Issue 2


DS1 trunks are assigned on a per-line basis by the System Manager. The
following items require administration:
n DS1 Circuit Pack — Assign the circuit pack to the system before
administration of the associated trunks.
n Synchronization Plan — Administer to provide synchronization between
the switch’s DS1 circuitry and the digital facilities that the switch is
connected to.
n Trunk Groups — Associate the trunks to groups, if desired.
Hardware and Software Requirements
One TN722, TN767, or TN464 DS1 circuit pack is required for every 24 trunks
using Robbed Bit Signaling or for every 23 trunks using Common Channel
Signaling. If ISDN-PRI signaling is used, a TN765 Processor Interface circuit
pack is required for G3vs/G3s and G3i (or for G3i the TN778 Packet Control) in
addition to the DS1 circuit pack. G3r requires the TN1655 packet interface
(PKTINT) circuit pack.
A TN464 circuit pack is required to support 32 trunks.
No additional software is required.

Page 948 goes on to describe ISDN-PRI

You may want to download these.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594
Have you tried stare and compare? setup the new circuit the same as the old one. On the Compact SI it is very easy to setup a PRI circuit. Instead of adding the channels to the existing TG, make a new on and match the setup the same as the existing one and see fi it comes up, A dumb question but did you have the provider turn up the circuit? they cannot turn up the D channel until they can establish communication with the end point equipment.
Thanks for eveyones input.
I have solved the issue.
I needed to add a data module set up as a proc interface.
I also had to enable comm link.

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