Pri card block in Hipath 4000. Please suggest de-blocking steps/command. Dis BCSU shows card is ready.
I give you some more informaion about my problem.Few days back, I changed DSl modem ,now perhaps due to this change ,pri 0 port on the card has blocked hierarchically.port 1(2nd port) is working normally.I have tried DSSU ,TADCSU and BSSU commands to reset the port but not succeeded.What is the possible cause of the problem. PRI card working mode is master.Can I reset reference clock using Refta command.
I give you some more informaion about my problem.Few days back, I changed DSl modem ,now perhaps due to this change ,pri 0 port on the card has blocked hierarchically.port 1(2nd port) is working normally.I have tried DSSU ,TADCSU and BSSU commands to reset the port but not succeeded.What is the possible cause of the problem. PRI card working mode is master.Can I reset reference clock using Refta command.