I have a movie which is nine seperate movie instances within it-the actual movie is 1 frame on the timeline. All I need is a simple preloader. Since the movie is all combined into one frame i cant really target any frames within it. I have a tutorial for creating a preloader in a seperate scene but it pisses me off because doesn't describe things well and of course leaves out stuff which leaves me banging my head -if i do get to work i have no idea why its working. So what I need is a GOOD tutorial on preloaders -im not a stupid person but everything i read just doesnt click as to what exactly or how exactly a preloader works -for instance if I use the "if frame is loaded" action there are two variables seperated by commas and i never get why i put whatever there -like if frame is loaded (_____,_____)the first is a scene but what scene is it looking for and the second blank is a label or a frame number. But if the movie is a clip and is only one frame than what frame number am i targeting. Like I said if someone know a preloader that works on a seperate scene and will stop when the other scene is loaded that would be great-but when people do tutorials and leave out stuff or just dont explain things well it really irks me -so if someone couls help me actually UNDERSTAND the preloader i would be really grateful -thank you!