Hi all,
Below is a function I have wrote for remembering previous URL vars that have been posted. i.e I have a mail section on my site where you can sort by different things like date or subject. they can also choose to sort asc or desc - my function will remember their previous choice and/or update it accordingly.
If anyone has any suggestions code samples to improve this please post them but in short my issue lies with my preg_match statement. Some vars sent via the URL are not wanted to be remembered i.e delete (for obvious reasons.)
I am attempting to preg_match multiple regex's but I believe its wrong (well it does not work
)). I have used the /blah/ operators as this may only be a partial match on one side.
Hope this makes sense to someone,
Thanks in advance
Below is a function I have wrote for remembering previous URL vars that have been posted. i.e I have a mail section on my site where you can sort by different things like date or subject. they can also choose to sort asc or desc - my function will remember their previous choice and/or update it accordingly.
If anyone has any suggestions code samples to improve this please post them but in short my issue lies with my preg_match statement. Some vars sent via the URL are not wanted to be remembered i.e delete (for obvious reasons.)
I am attempting to preg_match multiple regex's but I believe its wrong (well it does not work
* remURL - this little function will
* remember any url and update new vars
function remURL($var,$value){
//$url = '';
$arr_var = explode(',', $var);
$arr_value = explode(',', $value);
//SOMETHING IS WRONG IN HERE - preg_match wrong???? post in a forum????
/* Firstly cleanse the URL for any vars not wanted to be reposted */
//if($url != ''){
$urlpieces = explode('&', $url);
foreach($urlpieces as $key => $val) {
/* Dont remember certain vars in URL (separator |) */
//if(preg_match("/=delete/", $val) || preg_match("/=markread/", $val) || preg_match("/=markunread/", $val) || preg_match("/pstid=/", $val) || preg_match("/msgid=/", $val)) {
if(preg_match("(/=delete/|/=markread/|/=markunread/|/pstid=/|/msgid=/)", $val)){
/* If the var is the one being posted remember it this time */
$pos = strpos($val, $arr_var[$key]);
if($pos === false){ unset($urlpieces[$key]);
echo "unset :".$urlpieces[$key]; }
/* Create new array and put back into a string */
$new_url = array_values($urlpieces);
$url = implode("&",$new_url);
while($i < count($arr_var)){
if(isset($_GET[$var[$i]]) && $_GET[$var[$i]] != ""){
/* Reply existing url with var modified */
//$url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if($arr_value[$i] != ''){
$url = str_replace($arr_var[$i]."=".$_GET[$arr_var[$i]],$arr_var[$i]."=".$arr_value[$i],$url);
} else {
/* This will forget the var */
$url = str_replace("&".$arr_var[$i]."=".$_GET[$arr_var[$i]],'',$url);
} else {
/* Reply existing url with new var - remember to remove slash */
if($arr_value[$i] != ''){
$url .= "&".$arr_var[$i]."=".$arr_value[$i];
//echo $url; //substr_replace(BASE_URL,"",-1).$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
} else { // is this needed???????????
$url = substr_replace(BASE_URL,"",-1).$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
return $url;
<a class='deletesure' href='".$database->remURL('action,pstid',"delete,".$list['post_id'])."'>
Hope this makes sense to someone,
Thanks in advance