I would like to do two things, on a PPTP server that I run, which of course uses pppd. I use the server at to server VPN clients. Since the PPTP server has very bad password encryption, I would like to limit the number of failed login attempts to the server.
I was thinking that I could somehow, use the maxfail option to do this. In addition to limiting the number of failed logon attempts, I would like to blacklist the IP address of the client IP, since they are more than likely trying to brute force their way in to the server.
Can someone help me out with any scripts that can be used to do this? I am also wondering how I can figure out what variables are assigned during the logon process. For example, how do I get the client IP address, and pass that as a variable to another script?
Does /etc/ppp/ip-up execute before the client is authenticated, or after? If it is befoe, I could probably do most of my stuff in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local, but I am not sure exactly when they get executed during the ppp negotiation.
Thanks for any help!
- Bruce Garlock
Bruce Garlock
I was thinking that I could somehow, use the maxfail option to do this. In addition to limiting the number of failed logon attempts, I would like to blacklist the IP address of the client IP, since they are more than likely trying to brute force their way in to the server.
Can someone help me out with any scripts that can be used to do this? I am also wondering how I can figure out what variables are assigned during the logon process. For example, how do I get the client IP address, and pass that as a variable to another script?
Does /etc/ppp/ip-up execute before the client is authenticated, or after? If it is befoe, I could probably do most of my stuff in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local, but I am not sure exactly when they get executed during the ppp negotiation.
Thanks for any help!
- Bruce Garlock
Bruce Garlock