We have an IP office 500V2 version 7 and a voicemail pro advanced edition server(windows server 2008) and are currently having a power failure. The IP 500 is still up and running on it's UPS but the UPS for the voicemail pro server ran out of juice rather quickly.
I'm not onsite but it looks like outgoing calls are all fine but incoming calls we are just getting a busy signal. I would have though that voicemail and customer call reporting would be affected but can't understand why incoming calls would simply get a busy signal.
Isn't all the programming and recordings done in the manager and voicemail pro client then uploaded to the SD card and things should still mostly function when the VM pro server is powered off ? Can someone explain this to me ?
This is my first IP office system, all my other customers are still on BCMs.
We have an IP office 500V2 version 7 and a voicemail pro advanced edition server(windows server 2008) and are currently having a power failure. The IP 500 is still up and running on it's UPS but the UPS for the voicemail pro server ran out of juice rather quickly.
I'm not onsite but it looks like outgoing calls are all fine but incoming calls we are just getting a busy signal. I would have though that voicemail and customer call reporting would be affected but can't understand why incoming calls would simply get a busy signal.
Isn't all the programming and recordings done in the manager and voicemail pro client then uploaded to the SD card and things should still mostly function when the VM pro server is powered off ? Can someone explain this to me ?
This is my first IP office system, all my other customers are still on BCMs.