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Jun 9, 2004
Does anyone use Postini. What do you think of the idea of an external vender processing your mail. Is this a reliabliity issue? What if they go down?
I use a service like postini that only charges about half of what postini charges. My experience with this company has been good. I created a rule on my firewall so that I can ony receive smtp traffic from the filter service provider. I have only had a few times of trouble and 99% were my end (local ISP problems). The good news was that the filering ISP would spool the mail destined for me till it could contact me. Still got my mail, just a little late due to my outage. I like the idea that I get more of my bandwidth to use for what I want and not used up for other people's junk that is sent to me.
We use postini and have never had a problem. Their spam and anti-virus protection is great. It's just added security for our company.
We have been using Postini for many of our customers for over a year, they have never gone down, but the odd time their servers have been overwhelmed (because of DDOS) and mail delivery has been somewhat delayed, but nothing that was unacceptable. The antispam and antivirus protection is a welcomed layer of security to us and our clients.

We have been using Postini for about 8 months. Our users are very happy with it as well as our technical department, one less thing we have to worry about. We also have it configured so that we only receive SMTP traffic from Postini's site. We haven't had one downtime during the 8 months.
We've used Postini for at least a year now and we've never had a problem. I would recommend their service to anybody that would like the added security features of virus filtering, harvest attacks and spam blocking.
i'm about to start using postini. i'm wondering if there's any tips or tricks for converting over. i only have 8 users, one exchange box and two domain names, soon to be three.
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