On my form I have a command to display records in a table based on whether the date the user enters equals that in the table.. BUT I don't care about time, just if it's the same day..
So assuming 'uptime' is the name of the date variable in the table and 'userday,month,year' is the users requested date, I've tried the following findfirst syntax with no luck .. keep getting syntax errors.. I wonder can functions be used in this way?
rst.Findfirst ((DatePart("d","[uptime]"=userday) &(DatePart("m","[uptime]"=usermonth)&(DatePart("yyyy","[uptime]"=useryear))
So assuming 'uptime' is the name of the date variable in the table and 'userday,month,year' is the users requested date, I've tried the following findfirst syntax with no luck .. keep getting syntax errors.. I wonder can functions be used in this way?
rst.Findfirst ((DatePart("d","[uptime]"=userday) &(DatePart("m","[uptime]"=usermonth)&(DatePart("yyyy","[uptime]"=useryear))