I'm having a nightmare with the following code, which is executed by the BeforeSave event.
The workbook in question is opened by another workbook, modified and then saved, firing off the BeforeSave event, however it errors when it gets to the bold line.
Now i'm assuming that it's not activating the sheet in question, however this all works 100% when the code is executed separately so maybe theres a conflict with the workbook that opens/saves this file.
*Falls over here
Any one got any ideas as this is starting to hurt my head.
Thanks in advance.
Leigh Moore
Solutions 4 MS Office Ltd
The workbook in question is opened by another workbook, modified and then saved, firing off the BeforeSave event, however it errors when it gets to the bold line.
Now i'm assuming that it's not activating the sheet in question, however this all works 100% when the code is executed separately so maybe theres a conflict with the workbook that opens/saves this file.
Public Sub Retrieve()
Dim strUser As String
Dim strPassword As String
Dim intMsg As Integer
'intMsg = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update the Essbase source data?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Update Source Data")
'If intMsg = 6 Then
strUser = "automate"
strPassword = "password"
If AddIns("Arbor Essbase OLAP Server DLL").Installed = False Then
AddIns("Arbor Essbase OLAP Server DLL").Installed = True
GoTo Data
End If
sts = EssVConnect("Essbase", strUser, strPassword, "Nexus", "JV_DB", "JV_Store")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Goto Reference:="GetData"
X = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 11, True)
sts = essmenuvretrieve
Application.Goto Reference:="GetData"
sts = essvdisconnect("Sheet1")
sts = EssVConnect("KPI", strUser, strPassword, "Athena", "KPI2000E", "KPI2000")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Goto Reference:="KPIData"
X = EssVSetSheetOption(Null, 11, True)
sts = essmenuvretrieve
Application.Goto Reference:="KPIData"
Cells(1, 1).Select
AddIns("Arbor Essbase OLAP Server DLL").Installed = False
'MsgBox "Essbase data updated", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Done"
'Exit Sub
'End If
End Sub
Any one got any ideas as this is starting to hurt my head.
Thanks in advance.
Leigh Moore
Solutions 4 MS Office Ltd