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Port won't load???

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Feb 21, 2004
Hi guys, I had a strange experience today. I wonder if anyone has heard of this before......
MICS 6.1 with a 4.1 NAM, set relocation on. Took station A to sta B, unpluged B pluged in A. Totaly dead would not look at station A at all. Pluged B back in no problem, works fine, took A back to original port, works fine.
Took B to A's port pluged in works fine. Took A to b's port would not do a thing, changed ports to B's old port, pluged in A works fine. How wierd is that, the port would not look at phone A at all.
Its probably not going to be anything that most techs here have seen since they would just change the extensions with x-connects. I dont even tell customers that the feature exists.
I have to agree with bkrike I never bring up set relocation to customers over the years with Norstar I have found that it will cause more problems then good. USE X-CONNECTS
Yeah, wait until the batteries go bad and you don't have a back up. Every extension that got moved will default back to it's factory port. It's not a pretty site to see on a Monday morning. USE X-CONNECTS
Stick to keeping your wiring proper. You will be sorry later...
I gotta tell you guys, I've been installing Norstar since DR1 and have always turned on set relocation, let the customer know they could move their phones and have never had a problem. It seems to me if you don't you are just trying to get a service call out of the customer every time they want a move. I guess that might be OK for the larger companys but it just hurts the smaller ones.
Please don't take offense to this it is only my opinion.
One of the reasons I don't turn on set relocation is losing control a set up. Documentation is never up to date. Our motto is ducument, document document... backup, backup, backup. It'll save you major headaches in the future.

Its happens to me at least once or twice a year that a system with set relocation on loses its database from an extended power faillure. When power is restored all set relocations revert back default port/DN mapping. Now you've got users with the wrong DN all over the place and no ducumentations. That's not that a big deal on a small CICS, but see how long it takes you to restore things on a large MICS. You'll be pulling your hair out.
I must agree, I see where a large customer would be a major problem.
Thanks for the input....
That is strange.Did you try to reset your system after the change?

I have pretty much eliminated that scenario. I have been installing most of my systems with a patch panel solution for the last couple years & train the customers.
I even set up the extended demarc that way & install a 2554 on the backboard for the customer to verify NDT from telco.
If a user wants to make a move- I don't even hear from them anymore unless they just want to see my ugly mug.

With the set relocation on, a mix of set types, users decide to play musical chairs = NAM total crash.

I did not reset the system, but that might be the answere. Could be corruption in the system??
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