Has anyone had this happen before? We are still gathering data but basically we had some people onsite doing a port scan of the network, and when they hit the PBX ports they caused mutiple switches to Ini
If the switch recieves to much broadcast/random ethernet traffic it dies...
Configure your routers/gateways so it only allows traffic ment for the E-LAN... And maybe from authorized IP's.
The best thing is to disconnect the M1's from the network. They should be connected to a dedicated LAN (E-LAN). But if you configure your routers correctly you should have a problem...
Marc D.
If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... Oh wait, he does...
You will have to have the TLAN still connected to the CLAN to get to the other PBXs. Definetly remove the ELAN or create a VLAN to block broadcast messages. Broadcast WILL INI the switch.
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