I have a table for Purchase Orders with PONumber, POEmployeeNo, POJobNo, and POInvoiceCost (there are other fields, but they aren't relevent here). POEmployeeNo is linked to an Employee table which includes EmployeeName. POJobNo is linked to a JobInfo table which includes JobName. During the course of operations, most of the fields in the Purchase Order record are filled in on other forms. At one point, we need to fill in just POInvoiceCost. The idea was to have a separate form, that has a combo-box field that the user selects the PONumber from. Once selected, the other fields from the Purchase Order table seem to fill in. However, I can't get the EmployeeName or JobName to fill in. So, to summarize, what we want is to select a record based on PONumber, populate the fields, including those from linked tables, start the tab stops at POInvoiceCost and enter the info for the field, save the record, then select a new record or exit. I've tried all sorts of methods. I had a working solution that involved a form where the PONumber was selected and once selected it brought up a second form with the data, but the boss wants it all on one form. I'm not set on the combo box - I'm all ears for any method that will work! Many thanks.