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Populate ListBox 2

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Jan 17, 2001
I am trying to populate a list box with records from a database but am having some trouble. There are 4 fields that I would like to put into the list box (lstProducts). In the code below am am able to put in the data from the field ProductNumber but I don't know how to include the other fields (Description, Price, QtyOnHand). Can anyone help?
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim MyCN As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim MyRS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strConnection As String
    Dim strSQL As String
On Error GoTo Load_Error
    'Define the Connection
    strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
    strConnection = strConnection & App.Path & "\Pos.mdb;"
    strConnection = strConnection & "Persist Security Info=False"
    'Open the connection
    With MyCN
        .ConnectionString = strConnection
    End With
    'Define the Query
    strSQL = "Select PartNumber,Description,Price,QtyOnHand "
    strSQL = strSQL & "From tblParts Order By PartNumber"
    'Run the Query
    Set MyRS = MyCN.Execute(strSQL)

'Populate the list box with the recordset
If Not MyRS.EOF Then MyRS.MoveFirst
Do Until MyRS.EOF
lstProducts.AddItem MyRS("PartNumber")
    MyRS.Close  'Close the recordset
    MyCN.Close  'Close the connection
    Exit Sub

    'Message box with Error Number and Description
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    MyRS.Close 'Close the recordset
    MyCN.Close 'Close the connection
End Sub
'after opening recordset

Do Until MyRS.EOF
with lstProducts
.AddItem MyRS(0)
.AddItem MyRS(1)
.AddItem MyRS(2)
.AddItem MyRS(3)
It sounds like you are trying to build a Pos system. Will/does it work with a scanner for barcodes. I'm working on one now. I'd be interested in how it's going. What is being incorporated into prog, etc.
Good guess, it is a POS program. It won't work with a bar code scanner. It's a pretty simple program I'm working on for a class assignment.
The program works but it doesn't display in the list box correctly. All of the data is displayed in one long column. How do I get it to display with 4 columns? I want it to look like this:
PartNumber Description Price Qty
101 Car Hood $175 3
102 Car Door $225 6

I have tried changing the number of columns in the list box but that hasn't worked.
I used 4 textboxes to display the data because of ease of positioning the text. Maybe this code might help.
Vs is a vertical scroll bar.

Option Explicit
Dim i As Integer
Dim selFile As String
Dim sScroll As String
Dim pth As String
Dim iSelect As Integer
Dim DeptMax As Integer

Private Sub cbo1_Click()
Dim count As Integer
Dim lstIdx As Integer
Dim savepth As String
Dim DT As String
lstIdx = cbo1.ListIndex
Select Case lstIdx
Case 0
cmdSave.Visible = True
List1.Visible = False
txt(0).Visible = True
txt(1).Visible = True
txt(2).Visible = True
txt(3).Visible = True
lbl.Visible = True
lbl3.Visible = True
cmdSaveChange.Visible = True
VS.Visible = True
Case 1
txt(0).Visible = False
txt(1).Visible = False
txt(2).Visible = False
txt(3).Visible = False
lbl.Visible = False
lbl3.Visible = False
cmdSaveChange.Visible = False
VS.Visible = False
cmdSave.Visible = True
List1.Visible = True
selFile = "\Functkey.txt"
Open pth & selFile For Input As #1
'get Function programming
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, z
List1.AddItem z
Close #1
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
If List1.Selected(i) = True Then
cmdSave.Caption = CStr(List1.ListIndex)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSaveChange_Click()
rs.Open ("SELECT DeptDescription, TaxRate, Sign from DeptNum where Numdept = '" & VS.Value & "'")
For i = 1 To 3
rs(i - 1) = txt(i)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
pth = App.Path
With cbo1
.AddItem "Departments"
.AddItem "Select Function Keys"
End With
selFile = "\DeptTotals.txt"
Open pth & selFile For Input As #1

'get tax rates
Input #1, z
Text1 = z
Input #1, z
Text2 = z
Input #1, z
Close #1

rs.Open ("SELECT NumDept, DeptDescription, TaxRate, Sign from DeptNum;")
txt(0) = rs(0)
txt(1) = rs(1)
txt(2) = rs(2)
txt(3) = rs(3)
Text3 = rs.RecordCount
VS.Max = rs.RecordCount
End Sub

Private Sub VS_Change()
If VS.Value > Text3 Then Exit Sub
rs.Open ("SELECT NumDept, DeptDescription, TaxRate, Sign from DeptNum where NumDept = '" & VS.Value & "'")
txt(0) = rs(0)
txt(1) = rs(1)
txt(2) = rs(2)
txt(3) = rs(3)
End Sub

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Part and Inventory Search

