I have a Point to Point T1 with a Callpilot on the MASTER system running. It is set up on MSDN and is correctly transfering calls and all calls can be made from both systems. However we are having trouble accessing the voicemail CALLPILOT 150 from the SLAVE system. Both systems are working on identical MICS with 7.0 software set up and MASTER and SLAVE MSDN configurations. The Voicemai,l DN is 1000 and the MASTER DN's all start with 3221 thru 3255 and the SLAVE system starting at 2221 thru 2255. Calls can be made from both systems to each other and also all out side calls can be made but from the slave system we cannot access the voicemail. When we dial 1000 from any extension it drops us to the General Delivery Mail Box. We are getting the corredt DTMF codes to and from the voicemail because if I leave a message on an extension that belongs to the SLAVE system, we see the message waiting for you message on the slave's system extension display. But when we go to access the mailbox from that system it drops us to the general delivery mailbox everytime. Are there special CODES that we need to enter to access a persons mailbox from the slave system?
Please help ASAP... In real trouble here!