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Pods of whales.... 1

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Staff member
Nov 21, 2003
Collective nouns are interesting... and in fact, here's some to get you started.

herd of antelope
army of ants
colony of ants
shrewdness of apes
flange of baboons
congress of baboons
tribe of baboons
culture of bacteria
cete of badgers
colony of badgers
sleuth of bears
pack of bears (polar bears)
colony of beavers
lodge of beavers
flight of bees
grist of bees
hive of bees
swarm of bees
congregation of birds
flight of birds
flock of birds
volery of birds
herd of boar
sounder of boar
chain of bobolinks
brace of bucks
herd of buffalo
rabble of butterflies
swarm of butterflies
wake of buzzards
flock of camels
army of caterpillars
dout of cats (house cats)
kendle of cats (kittens)
kindle of cats (kittens)
litter of cats (kittens)
drove of cattle
herd of cattle
team of cattle
yoke of cattle (two)
herd of chamois
brood of chickens
flock of chickens
peep of chickens
brood of chicks
chattering of chicks
clutch of chicks
cartload of chimpanzees
herd of chinchillas
bed of clams
quiver of cobras
rake of colts
band of coyotes
siege of cranes
congregation of crocodiles
float of crocodiles
murder of crows
herd of deer
leash of deer
parcel of deer
bevy of deer (roe deer)
kennel of dogs
pack of dogs
litter of dogs (puppies)
pod of dolphins
drove of donkeys
pace of donkeys
bevy of doves
cote of doves
dole of doves
flight of doves
piteousness of doves
flight of dragons
weyr of dragons
wing of dragons
brace of ducks
flock of ducks
flush of ducks
paddling of ducks
raft of ducks
team of ducks
aerie of eagles
convocation of eagles
swarm of eels
herd of elephants
parade of elephants
gang of elk
herd of elk
mob of emus
cast of ferrets
fesnying of ferrets
charm of finches
catch of fish
haul of fish
run of fish
school of fish
shoal of fish
swarm of flies
lead of foxes
skulk of foxes
army of frogs
knot of frogs
flock of geese
gaggle of geese
skein of geese (in flight)
wedge of geese (flying in a 'V')
horde of gerbils
corps of giraffes
herd of giraffes
tower of giraffes
cloud of gnats
horde of gnats
swarm of gnats
herd of gnus
drove of goats
herd of goats
tribe of goats
trip of goats
charm of goldfinches
glint of goldfish
band of gorillas
skein of goslings
leash of greyhounds
covey of grouse
pack of grouse
colony of gulls
group of guinea pigs
horde of hamsters
drove of hares
down of hares
husk of hares
leash of hares
trace of hares
trip of hares
warren of hares
aerie of hawks
cast of hawks
kettle of hawks
array of hedgehogs
prickle of hedgehogs
brood of hens
hedge of herons
siege of herons
shoal of herrings
crash of hippopotami
herd of hippopotami
bloat of hippopotami
drift of hogs
parcel of hogs
passel of hogs
nest of hornets
harras of horses
herd of horses
stable of horses
team of horses
troop of horses
cry of hounds
mute of hounds
pack of hounds
charm of hummingbirds
clan of hyenas
band of jays
party of jays
scold of jays
smack of jellyfish
herd of kangaroos
mob of kangaroos
troop of kangaroos
deceit of lapwings
ascension of larks
exaltation of larks
leap of leopards
pride of lions
sault of lions
sowse of lions
troop of lions
lounge of lizards <--- hehe
herd of llamas
plague of locusts
tidings of magpies
sord of mallards
richness of martens
horde of mice
nest of mice
company of moles
labor of moles
movement of moles
cartload of monkeys <-- but a barrel is more fun
tribe of monkeys
troop of monkeys
herd of moose
barren of mules
pack of mules
rake of mules
span of mules
watch of nightingales
bevy of otter
family of otter
raft of otter
romp of otter
parliament of owls
drove of oxen
herd of oxen
span of oxen
team of oxen
yoke of oxen (two)
bed of oysters
company of parrots
covey of partridges
muster of peacocks
ostentation of peacocks
colony of penguins
crèche of penguins
huddle of penguins
parcel of penguins
rookery of penguins
nest of pheasants
nide of pheasants (on the ground)
nye of pheasants (on the ground)
bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)
flight of pigeons
flock of pigeons
drove of pigs
herd of pigs
litter of pigs
farrow of pigs (piglets)
sounder of pigs (wild pigs)
shoal of pilchards
congregation of plovers
wing of plovers
chine of polecats
string of ponies
pod of porpoises
school of porpoises
passel of possum
coterie of prairie dogs
bevy of quail
covey of quail
bury of rabbits
colony of rabbits
down of rabbits
drove of rabbits
husk of rabbits
leash of rabbits
trace of rabbits
trip of rabbits
warren of rabbits
nest of rabbits (young)
wrack of rabbits (young)
gaze of raccoons
nursery of raccoons
colony of rats
horde of rats
mischief of rats
pack of rats
plague of rats
swarm of rats
rhumba of rattlesnakes
storytelling of ravens
crash of rhinoceri
building of rooks
clamor of rooks
run of salmon
school of salmon
shoal of salmon
bob of seals
colony of seals
crash of seals
harem of seals
herd of seals
pod of seals
rookery of seals
spring of seals
team of seals
school of shark
shiver of shark
down of sheep
drove of sheep
flock of sheep
fold of sheep <-- I've heard of folding WOOL... but not the whole sheep!
hurtle of sheep
trip of sheep
bed of snakes
den of snakes
nest of snakes
pit of snakes
walk of snipes
wisp of snipes
host of sparrows
dray of squirrels
scurry of squirrels
murmuration of starlings
muster of storks
mustering of storks
flight of swallows
bevy of swans
herd of swans
wedge of swans (flying in a 'V')
flock of swifts
drift of swine
sounder of swine
spring of teals
ambush of tigers
streak of tigers
knot of toads
hover of trout
flock of turkeys
brood of turkeys (immature)
bale of turtles
generation of vipers
nest of vipers
colony of vultures
mob of wallabees
herd of walruses
pod of walruses
pack of weasels
sneak of weasels
gam of whales
herd of whales
pod of whales
school of whales
plump of wildfowl
herd of wolves
pack of wolves
rout of wolves
route of wolves
warren of wombats
fall of woodcocks
descent of woodpeckers
herd of yaks
herd of zebras
zeal of zebras

.... and of course, you can't forget my favorite...

giggle of teenagers


Just my 2¢
-Cole's Law: Shredded cabbage

Greg said:
here's some to get you started.
So, Greg, now that you've started us off, can you tell us which "collectives" you have not yet covered?

Seems pretty comprehensive. <grin>

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
In 2000, the 4th International Penquin Conference agreed that a group of penguins in the water should be referred to as a raft of penquins" and that a group of penquins on land or ice should be a waddle of penquins. I have no idea whether these terms are in general use.

I've also heard "an unkindness of ravens", though the use is probably only archaic.

Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
Greg said:
here's some to get you started.
Anyone happen to have a spare scroll wheel laying around? Mine seems to have broken recently.

[small]Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with the wolves. You've got to dive into the ocean and fight with the sharks. Or just treat yourself to a delicious hot fudge sundae........ with nuts. - Jack Black[/small]
a gaggle of giggling girls

James P. Cottingham
I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229!
How about (and I'm using this as the title of a book I'm putting together on my fractal art much of which has a sci-fi/fantasy look to it)
A Fantasy of Fractals

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
A distress of DBA's and a distraction of developers?

Grinding away at things Oracular
I've also heard a "business" of flies. I submitted this and a couple of others to Marilyn vos Savant, asking what they had in common ("business", "murder", etc.).

I suppose she disqualifies anything that can be answered with a Google search :-|
Oh yeah: and a warren of buffets.
An anorak of statisticians was my best when working in the field.

I want to be good, is that not enough?
From thread1256-1420811, I have developed a "Hatred of Headstrong Contrarians" [lol]

My colleagues and I used to refer to ourselves as a "Battery of Electricians", and there is always the Non-PC "Puff of Hairdressers" [rofl]


Don't count the days, make the days count

Muhammad Ali
When I sail I sometimes work as the cooks assistant. This has become known colloquially as the cooks bum (sic. cooks ass.)

And due to the large amounts of washing dishes I can confirm that it is a wrinkle of cooks bottoms.


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
  • Thread starter
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  • #13
I've been thinking of some funny ones....

A windfall of parachutists
A google of searches (play on words... googol)
A frustration of code debuggers
A frustration of teenagers
A bored of directors (yes, intentionally spelled that way)
An annoyance of accordionists

... that's all I can come up with first thing in the morning.

Just my 2¢
-Cole's Law: Shredded cabbage

After the sub-prime issue, Dr Spooner would like to suggest a wunch of bankers.

soi la, soi carré
  • Thread starter
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  • #16

Well, that took the fun out of it. :p

Just my 2¢
-Cole's Law: Shredded cabbage

Why would you hide the food? I like buffet!
SQLSister: I would like to see your Sci-Fi ractals.??
I just can't see turtles being bunched up in a bale.
How do you tie up a bunch of toads?
Those snakes better be really stiff if you need to use them as arrows.
Hawks are usually very solitary, and rarely seen in any stage productions.
And,,,Prairie Dogs are not very fashionable!

"Impatience will reward you with dissatisfaction" RMS Cosmics'97
a clutch of breasts
a thicket of idiots

I don't mean to be rude, but that's not too far out of line is it?
Esquared, that is sooooooo true. (Speaking as a woman who is on the busty side)

How about
a profanity of accident victims

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
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