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Please HELP!!

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Jun 12, 2003
I have never set up a server before so I am a little confused... or maybe alot! Any way... here is the situation..

WE have a DSL Cable modem and provider

We have a LinkSys DSL router?

We have a windows 2000 server

I want to set up the server... but don't know what addresses to use so that the server controls the ip addresses not the link sys router. Does this make sense? I want my users to log into our server, get their ip address, then be able to access the internet from there! How do I do this? I am not sure which numbers I should use for WINS. Do I enable netbios over tcpip on the server?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Easiest way is to have 2 NIC cards in the server. The Public (internet) card will have the ip address etc from your isp provider, your public card will be connected to your router. Once you establish internet connectivity enable Internet connection Sharing on you Public Card. It will configure your private card to the ip address and set other appropriate seetings as well as set up DHCP. Plug your other computers into the router and set the nic cards in there to recieve Ip address and DNS settings automatically and you should be good to go.

hope that helps,
Oops... private card will be on the router... sorry typo... the private card will be your LAN

Thank you for the information... very informative. Clears things up a little.

How about if I just want to set up a server that we only use to get to printers and share data and set up security to log into it other than that we go the way we are going now with the router supplying the ip address for all but the server which i will set up a static ip address on.. i think. I could then create profiles that will allow users to log into server if they need to share any of the information... or am i confusing myself here?
In doing it the Internet Connection Sharing way there are a few benefits... in my opinion... but im sure others may have more input.

In using the server for internet connection sharing it seperates your LAN from the public network. You can still have shares to files, printers etc, as well as security. In going through the server you can have more control over your LAN, especially if you uprade your server(which i am assuming is a member server) to a Domain Controller. You can also have alot more control over your public IP structure if you use NAT (Network Address Translation) instead of ICS(internet Connection Sharing)which will still share the internet. My original post was just to an easy way help share the Server's Internet connection.

I personally think in doing it this way it would be alot easier to set-up and maintain than the way you desribed. Just my opinion though.

How many users to you have? If less then 4, you can plug everyone into the hub side of the router or just plug linksys into a switch if you ahve more

1. Disable the DHCP from linksys router. The default IP for the router will be
2. Set up DHCP, DNS up on the w2k server you only need WINS installed if useing win98 clients
In the DHCP settings set the gateway at (router IP) Also set the DHCP range to
If you want it set up that way. So netowrk would look like this:

If you want it set up like this:
Internet---linksys---w2k server----LAN

You will need 2 NIC's on the w2k server. The IP of nic on inside of the w2k serv would be lets say with a gateway of the outside nic thats connected to linksys. (something like The ouside nic would have a gateway of the router

Either way it would help to disable the DHCP in the router.
outside interface of linksys: public ip givin by ISP
inside interface of linksys: (default)

W2K Server:
outside interface of w2k serv: gateway:
inside interface of w2k serv: gateway:

All pc's on network would have a gateway of Which is set up in the dhcp settings.

Hope this helps.
Its been one of those days were you shouldnt touch any putrs so I might be way off on this.
I would recommend the first option its less complicated. Your users will be able to pull the dhcp settings off the server then use the router as a gateway to internet.
>>Does this make sense?

It does, if you have specific reasons for installing DHCP on your 2K server.
Since we don't know those reasons we can't tell you for sure.
It would be great to know a bit more of your network layout.
Like number of clients and what OS they're running, subnets (if any),
servers holding specific services (web,mail,etc).

In my oppinion (again, I'm guessing your network layout) I don't see
why you wouldn't have your LinkSys router acting as DHCP.
You can setup static IP's for your servers (don't forget to leave
those IP's out of the scope of the DHCP) and let the router assign
IP addresses to your clients. There's nothing wrong with that.
Also, since your LinkSys is acting as router and NAT, you don't need
to setup any of those services on the 2K server machine. Not even
ICS, which sometimes becomes a really PITA. Try to keep each node
of your network in charge of what it does best.

Server=hosting services/hosting shares/authenticating users, etc

®º°¨¨°º can you ping me now...GOOD! º°¨¨°º®
ok... no i think i am clear as mud... here is what i have...

7 desktops... either running xp or 2k prof.

2 printers/copiers/fax/scanners all in one with software that we need to be able to share.... called docushare. We want to put this data up on our network now so that we could share it and eventually move to sharing it with the outside world. So... now what? We get our web hosting and email hosting from Adelphia. So does this sound easy enough? Well it would be but I am a novice at servers and routing stuff! -- but so far you guys have been very helpful!!
wow, seems like we were all writing at the same time ;)

®º°¨¨°º can you ping me now...GOOD! º°¨¨°º®
eeee gads...docushare ugh. If i remeber correctly you need to have an ftp server for that also. This is no problem.
Since you only have one server for now, get a 16 port switch. connect the switch to the linksys router. Plug everything into that switch. For the public access to the docushare files you can create a DMZ with the 3 ports left over on the router. Since docushare creates such a load on the server I would recommend that you leave the linksys as a DHCP server.
OK... sounds good...

but what is a DMZ? never heard of it before and how does docushare take 3 ports from the switch?
DMZ stands for de-militarized zone, basically a secured area from your network. The docushare will only use one of the 3 ports...sorry about that. So one port to public docushare and one to network. That gives you 2 left over. We are in the middle of doing this ourselves. The problem is trying to figure out how to allow public access to the docushare documents with out jeopardizing our network servers. The only thing I could come up with was to put another server in a DMZ and create a site that list those files. Just an idea though
Hello... I am still lost!!

I have disabled DHCP on our server. The IP addresses I do have are - w/gateway of and gateway

dns pref; -- enable lmhosts lookup and enable netbios over tcp/ip

here is the problem: -- I can no longer get to the internet on this server....

and... I can't see it on the network. Does anyone have any suggestions.

Hello... I am still lost!!

I have disabled DHCP on our server. The IP addresses I do have are - w/gateway of and gateway

dns pref; -- enable lmhosts lookup and enable netbios over tcp/ip

here is the problem: -- I can no longer get to the internet on this server....

and... I can't see it on the network. Does anyone have any suggestions
try setting your primary dns to and secondary dns
Well I tried this... I am getting packets out - but can't receive any... I also getting network card is unplugged... however this is not true. anything else?
What network design did you end up going with on this? 2 nics on the w2k server or using the LAN ports on the router? If you do not have win 98 pc's you do not need to enable netbois over tcp/ip
I went with the lynksys router assigning dhcp ...

do you have any idea why i am not receiving packets?
set server to dhcp (just to see if it works.) If it does do an "ipconfig /all" at the cmd prompt and look at the IP / DSN settings. plug those settings into your static configuration.

The default IP for the linksys is (unless you changed it) so 192.168.0.x wont work. It has to be in the same range. If you look at the other pc's ip addresses and look at their DNS settings (ipconfig /all) and compare them to server this might give you an idea were the problem is.

I'm guessing your netowrk looks likes this

dsl/cable (ISP)
(public ip outside interface of linksys)IP givin from isp
(private ip inside insterface of linksys
network 192.168.1-254

As far as a network card being unplugged. I dont know if your plugging it into the linksys or not but if you are make sure your NOT plugged into the uplink or wan port. If your plugged into a hub/switch make sure you have the right type of cable.
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