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PLease help need a network admin

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May 28, 2004
PLease help need a network admin
Im desperatly in need of help. I just got fired from the best job ive ever had, for something i didnt even do. heres the situation

Basically im a entry level network tech, the guy who was network admin barely knew more then me, totally clueless. Yesterday he said he took off my administration privledges, then today they were back on, and they are saying i did it, when i KNOW i never touched anything in active directory. its got to be traceable, can somone please help! please ! i cant afford to be out of a job!
and people like "this guy" can get a job? unreal! you wouldn't want to work for this kind of company, and if the "admin" has management in his pocket it may be all that much harder to see justice done. i'm sorry this happened to you...
yea me too, I just feel so violated, I have never in my life had my integrity or work ethic questioned. They treated me like a common criminal, stripped my job and my dignity from me.

Its just so strange, I showed up to work every day on time, did my job better then anyone previous to me, I streamlined all the medical billing processes from a 5 hour process to a 1 hour process.

The only time I didnt follow directions was when I mentioned that I couldnt install operating systems because the keys were in use on multiple machines, I was ordered to do it and refused, to which they said they would purchase more licenses.

I guess I will have to go out and find a new job, ive offered to pay a third party expert to come in and figure out what happened, but was told that isnt going to happen, by upper managment. I recieved an email stating the reason I was fired was due to poor performance, but that was never mentioned to me, they told me I re added admin privledges.

I hope nobody else ever has to deal with such incompetent, corrupt employers as these people in Ohio.
BTW thank you all for your help, I linked the thread to them, but they dont appear to care. Oh well, i guess i have to roll with the punches and find a new job. This forum has been real supportive and I truely appreciate it.
Life of an network/admin can be rewarding and tough, depending on 1} who your working for large, small or family owned business. 2} part of an IT team with serveral admins all bucking for the glory and passing the buck to be in favor of whomever. 3} total control of entire network is the way to go.

Sounds like you have the 3 mentioned above. is any remote software being used ,pcanywhere,fpt, spyware on any of these machines, is anyone mapped to the server that can monitor when the admin is logged in. did you notice if any bogus users were added with admin privs.

either way not a good situation, you might remove this company from your resume or it will continue to haunt you for years.
The IT department consisted of 3 people, myself, considered technical assistant, the tech specialist, who has less experience and no certs, or schooling, and the IT manager . The IT manager was basically a paper shuffler, shes been at the company for 20 years, just got promoted to this position after a REAL network guru left for a better job. The IT manager lady can literally barely use a home pc . She is scared to death of anything technical, and i am not exaggerating. She literally knows nothing and openly admits it, basically shes a paper shuffler.

The tech specialist, considers himself the admin. But took none of my advice. I dont know a whole lot about administering, but I do know a bit. Like You dont name workstations randomly , you need a naming scheme, which he had none. Not one computer on the network was recognizable by the name. he basically randomly hit keys and that was the name for that workstation.

I Fixed most of that, I also took their billing process they were spending 8 hours a day on, and set it all up ftp, cutting it under an hour.

I also tried to explain to them they should get a contract with a supplier to obtain computers, as we were buying 3-5 a week with no end in sight for new locations. He was building JUNK computers, buying cheapo bare bones kits off pricewatch, thats just unheard of in a business environment.

Looking back, I am sorta glad they canned me. I dont think I know enough to take responsibility for that network, nor do I want to be there when their incompetent IT dept really messes something up, which will happen soon i think. Its a highly regulated field, with alot of goverment oversight (healthcare). Hopefully itll be publicized :)
Interesting topic here. pburgh23m, sorry that you got stuck.

To add to the debate, there is one way that you could have changed the rights. If you were already logged on with admin rights when he changed them, you would not see the restricted access until next login. So technically i believe you could give yourself those rights.

I hope you find this post helpful. Please let me know if it was.


If you are still interested in the job have you offered to take a lie detector test? Being fired for lack of integrity would surely hurt my pride and I think hurt your chances for a new job. How could you use them for a reference unless you have other coworkers who could vouch for you?

Unix IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.
OK... here goes a nickle's worth, when I usually only throw in $.02.

First, everyone else is right. If the administrator took away your admin rights, you couldn't have restored them.

Second, the thought comes to mind of *WHY* were your admin rights removed?

Third, I know where I work, I would be reprimanded on the spot if I left my server(s) unsecured and logged in as administrator. It just isn't done. Any admin worth his beans knows to LOG OUT, and LOCK THE DOOR.

Fourth, ok... you're a jr. admin... you walk in, and your admin access doesn't work, so you walk over to the server, and turn it back on. So what? As a jr. admin, that's a necessity for you to do your work, right? Or, more properly, you'd contact the sr. admin and say "Hey, what's up? My admin rights aren't there...."

... to wrap this all up, however, either a) they had a reason to want to get rid of you. Maybe you ticked someone off, or someone felt threatened by you for whatever reason, or b) you were being set up.

A company that would immediately can someone over something like that, without investigating it fully and allowing you to give your side sounds suspect to me. Even a disciplinary action by an employer *SHOULD* be to end up with a better employee!

Now, on the flip side, if you walked into my shop drunk, stoned, or whatever, I'd can you. But if you made a mistake, or even a poor judgement call, it certainly beehoves me to correct that, even with a corrective action plan, so I end up with a better employee later on.

Yea, I am really not sure why they removed my admin privledges. To be honest I didnt even notice, as i log in as administrator for anything im doing at the email server or file server, Ive never even used my login on those machines, so I didnt even know they took them away until they accused me of re adding them. I did notice the admin password had been changed, because the email server was down when I got in, not taking outgoing mail requests, I tried to RDP in and it didnt work, so i emailed my boss, asked what was going on, nobody ever even told me I was losing privledges.

On the up side, they have said that they would refuse to give out any information about me to anyone except rate of pay and time employed. I think if they did otherwise with these questionable terminations they would open theirselves up to a lawsuit.
Just to say if this guys is a network admin and he left the server unlocked (or so he states), then his whole network must be open to the Internet.

He obviously knows nothing about anything especially security so his day will come.

Judgement : The Defendant

The Judge
Well, here's one thing that I would do. If you're PO'ed at them..

Call the software piracy hotlines, you said they install stuff without the proper licenses.. That'd be my ticket to gratification..

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