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Please.. help me out with this issue about CDRs

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Oct 7, 2003
Hi. Since I am not a Nortel admin I need some help trying to find out what does every field in the CDR means.

This is a tiny example of what CDR is showing:
S 025 00 T010 016 6101 05/09 07:47 00:00:20 5566472
N 027 00 2343 T010 011 05/09 07:46 00:01:12 A 19995567563
E 028 00 T010 016 2463 05/09 07:48 00:00:52 5566472

I have special interest into the S, N, E field (sometimes a Q i believe) I have no clue if the call is a transfer, a direct incoming, or outgoing.

I will appreciate any help you could give me.

Thanks a lot in advanced,

Costa Rican Telecom Admin.
1st record is a S(tart) record. Came in on trunk 10 went to extn 6101. The S bit means it was then transferred onwards.

2nd record is a N(ormal) record. Just a straight call from extn 2343, out over trunk 10 with dialled digits 19995567563

3rd record is an E(nd) record. The final point in a transfer. Was transferred to extn 2463.

For completeness:
A Authorisation Code

The A(Authorisation Code) record is optional and is set using software LD88 within the switch. An A(Authorisation Code) record is generated when the code is entered and one of the following occurs.
A trunk is seized.
A local telephone answers Direct Inward System Access (DISA) calls.
Ring Again is activated, whatever that means.

B Abandoned Call (R18 onwards)

The B records are output when:

An Unanswered incoming trunk with ABAN=YES in LD16 disconnects.
Internal Call Data Record is equipped and an unanswered internal station with ABDA Class of Service disconnects.

C Charge Record.

The C (Charge Account) record is designed to allow billing for calls to specific charge account numbers. Charge Account Number lengths (2 to 23 digits) can be individually defined. SIGMA only processes the first 12 characters of the Charge Code. The charge code can be entered at any time before dialling or during an established incoming or outgoing call.

D Station Monitoring (R20 onwards)

The information is printer in the first line of the global record and includes the date and time, originating and terminating ID and the dialled digits. Attendants are not supported.

Record Type D is produced when:

CDR is configured for the customer and a trunk either terminates on, or is accessed by a set with CDMA (Call Detail Monitoring Allowed) class of service.
Customer Data Option (overlay 15) for CDR is allowed.
Printing is controlled via a new Class of Service in overlay 10 (analogue sets), 11 (digital business sets) and 27 (BRI digital sets).

E End Record.

Each E record is associated with a specific S(Start) record and possibly a number of X (Transfer) records. The record is generated on termination of the call and shows the final disposition of the call. The time stamps on the corresponding S(Start), X(transfer) and E(End) records theoretically enable the total duration of the call to be determined.

F Connection Record for Conference Calls.

G Data Calls in the M1 Packet Handler

The Meridian1 Packet Handler (MPH) is not supported in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Information is provided on:

internal versus external calls
originating and terminating DNA number
date, time and duration of the call
number of incoming and outgoing data packets

The record layout uses fixed fields, but is different from the fixed format used for voice calls. The printing of data records is controlled by two new prompts in overlay 17 (IMPH, OMPH for incoming and outgoing data calls respectively).

H As for 'G'.

I Initialisation Record

L Internal Call

M Charge Record for Conference Calls.

N Normal Record

A Normal Record is generated when a call is established, whether or not it is extended through the Attendant Console, and when no other telephone feature is activated.

P Calling Party Number
Q Connection Record (initial connection)
R Connection Record(Transfer Connection)

S Start Record

A Start Record is generated when a call receives treatment from certain features of the system. A Start Record will not be generated if an attendant extends the call.

If Meter Pulses are received X records are generated for intermediate stations when a metered trunk call is transferred more than once within the system. The E record shows the trunk as the Originator Line Record and Extension as Terminator if the trunk seized is an analogue, not digital line.

T Timestamp Record.

X Transferred Initiated and Terminated Call.

If a call is transferred only once, one S (Start) and one E (End) record are generated. If a call is transferred more than once, each intermediate transfer initiates an X (Transfer) record to give details of the transfer. However X records only apply to outgoing calls using PPM or AOC; all other cases simply generate one S and one E record. The X record shows the connected parties during that part of the call.

Y PSTN Feature Record (R20 onwards)

Produced when certain features on the PSTSN are utilised. This will allow a record of the moment the feature was activated and therefore record associated costs attributable to that feature. With release 20 the record is only supported for accessing the 3 party conference facility on the New Zealand NEAX-61 interface. Details include the date and time the second party was called and joined the conference, dialled digits and duration since the previous record generated for that call. The record format follows the three lines of the global record. CDR 'Y' Records are controlled by the CDRY prompt in overlay 16.

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