Hello, I am having a huge issue with my Avaya phone system...I can press Feature 00 then intercom twice to get into programming mode but after that I am not sure what 3 digit code I need to use so that when we receive a call it does not go straight to voice mail....can anyone please help?
For example if someone tries to call us, we will hear half a ring and then it goes straight to voice does not give us enough time to pick up the call...we would like for it to ring at least 4 times before voice mail kicks in...if this is too hard then we will be ahppy when disabling voicemail completely:-(
I am not a programmer but I am not sure if we should spend the money finding one when all we want is to disable voicemail..........
thanks so much
For example if someone tries to call us, we will hear half a ring and then it goes straight to voice does not give us enough time to pick up the call...we would like for it to ring at least 4 times before voice mail kicks in...if this is too hard then we will be ahppy when disabling voicemail completely:-(
I am not a programmer but I am not sure if we should spend the money finding one when all we want is to disable voicemail..........
thanks so much