I've designed and published a flash movie on a WinTel machine which is about half a meg in size, featuring lots of vector animation and a soundtrack. Running the resultant .swf off the internet, CD or hard disc of a WinTel machine achieves the expected results but trying the same thing on a Mac results in a dreadful animation lag which means the soundtrack finishes halfway through the movie, even when the .swf is run off the hard drive. For some reason the .swf is opening in quickTime on the Mac. I've got no idea what's causing this or what I can do to fix it, but any help would be very gratefully appreciated.
I've designed and published a flash movie on a WinTel machine which is about half a meg in size, featuring lots of vector animation and a soundtrack. Running the resultant .swf off the internet, CD or hard disc of a WinTel machine achieves the expected results but trying the same thing on a Mac results in a dreadful animation lag which means the soundtrack finishes halfway through the movie, even when the .swf is run off the hard drive. For some reason the .swf is opening in quickTime on the Mac. I've got no idea what's causing this or what I can do to fix it, but any help would be very gratefully appreciated.