One of our departments that operates a 24/7 phone center is trying to create some performance metrics for evaluation purposes. Data is from a variety of sources (some digital and some not). One of the sources is the VoIP system and includes elapsed time that a person is in "do not disturb" mode along with number of calls answered by type.
They want to enter that information into a daily record that also includes various types of authorizations completed, calls answered, hours worked and the like. These will then be summarized in a report that will allow the supervisor to compare individuals with similar responsibilities.
Everyone in the call center answers the phone as needed but some have that as a primary responsibility while others have it as a second or even third responsibility.
Is this an already functioning database or are you creating it? Please post your table structures. This way we can see if they have been normalized. If they haven't been, then you'll need to start over. Some reading:
Fundamentals of Relational Database Design
Also, since this maybe an Access question, you might want to post in one of the following forums:
Microsoft: Access Tables and Relationships
Microsoft: Access Reports
While I agree that normalization and not storing calculated values are two very important design concepts, I don't think they're of utmost importance in this situation. It sounds to me like these values are already calculated in another application; thus, RayMcBeth has no control over this matter. Further, a high degree of normalization isn't necessary if the database is simply being slapped together for data mining to generate some reports. If I'm correct, the answer to your question will depend on the format of the data you're accumulating from these other application(s). I.e. you may be able to use the Date/Time data type, or you may need to use bytes to store the Hours/Minutes/Seconds and then write some code to add/process the values. We'll need to know the format of your incoming data and how you plan to process it. The more detail the better.
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