I have networked my desktop and laptop computers together using a NIC in the desktop and a USB ethernet adapter for the laptop. I had it up and running when I first did the installation of netwrok using TCP/IP. After taking my laptop on a recent trip, I tried to hook the two computers up again today with no luck.
It seems that I can ping both computers from my desktop but cannot see the laptop drives in Network Neighborhood in Explorer. However when I try to ping from the laptop, it won't even ping itself. When I ping the laptop's IP address, it reads;
Ping: Transmission failed, error code 10050
I have called the manufacturer of the USB device but they are telling me it is a windows probelm (which I am inclined to believe). I have uninstalled and re-installed both the device itself as well as the TCP/IP protocols, neither worked. Any suggestions, have any of you seen the 10050 error code before?
It seems that I can ping both computers from my desktop but cannot see the laptop drives in Network Neighborhood in Explorer. However when I try to ping from the laptop, it won't even ping itself. When I ping the laptop's IP address, it reads;
Ping: Transmission failed, error code 10050
I have called the manufacturer of the USB device but they are telling me it is a windows probelm (which I am inclined to believe). I have uninstalled and re-installed both the device itself as well as the TCP/IP protocols, neither worked. Any suggestions, have any of you seen the 10050 error code before?