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Technical User
Mar 8, 2003
Is it possible to make a form or something similar that allows users to upload files into the server without having them FTP it? If so any suggestions where I could start looking?
Yes it is possible.

Where to look? GOOGLE is your best friend.

Google this: upload with php

"Hey...Where are all the chicks?" -- unknown
in the form use the file input box:
<form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;myscript.php&quot; enctype=&quot;multipart/form-data&quot;>
<input type=&quot;file&quot; name=&quot;images&quot;>
You can then manipulate the image using php's built in array thingy ie:


thank you for the many suggestions.
I've seen a load of questions around uploading images lately. Does someonw have as assesment due in ??
I've seen a load of questions around uploading images lately. Does someonw have as assesment due in ??

Not me.. I'm not even in school. Plus I graduated already from both High School, and College.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that everyone is asking similar questions around the same time.

&quot;Hey...Where are all the chicks?&quot; -- unknown
function uploadFile() {
        // import form data into local function
        global $ulFile, $ulFile_name, $ulFile_type;
        // check for form data
        if (isset($ulFile) && $ulFile_name) {
                // check uploaded file is one of supported types
                if ($ulFile_type == &quot;image/png&quot; ||
                                $ulFile_type == &quot;image/jpeg&quot; ||
                                $ulFile_type == &quot;image/pjpeg&quot;) { 
                        $fn = getUniqueName($ulFile_name); // generate a unique file name
                        /* move file to the photo directory. Notice we now use move_uploaded_file
                         * instead of copy. It includes a check to make sure the file came from
                         * the right source, making it more secure
                        if (move_uploaded_file($ulFile, PHOT_DIR.&quot;/$fn&quot;)) {
                                print &quot;<p>$ulFile_name successfully uploaded</p>\n&quot;;
                                saveThumbnail($fn); // generate tumbnail image
                        } else {
                                print &quot;<p>Oops! Couldn't upload $ulFile_name</p>\n&quot;;
                                unlink($ulFile); // remove temporary file
                } else {
                        print &quot;<p>Sorry, file type $ulFile_type not supported. Try a JPEG or PNG image.</p>\n&quot;;
                        unlink($ulFile); // remove temporary file

and the form code 

        /* album.php - version 3
         * .net magazine ([URL unfurl="true"]www.netmag.co.uk),[/URL] issue 83
         * Matt Kynaston, 2001
         * Distributed under the GNU Public License - [URL unfurl="true"]www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html[/URL]
         * The PHP Photo Album displays the contents of a thumbnail directory,
         * linked to full size images in the photo directory. It gives the user
         * the opportunity to upload their own photos to the album, automatically
         * creating tumbnails.
         * Requires PHP4 with the GD and ZLIB extensions installed (php_gd.dll and php_zlib.dll
         * on Windows). These are available from the full download of PHP at [URL unfurl="true"]www.php.net[/URL]
         * Modify your php.ini file (C:\WINDOWS\PHP.INI in Windows systems) to point at them
        /* constant declaration section
         * change these to modify the album directories or image sizes
        define(&quot;NUM_COLS&quot;, 4); // number of columns in table
        define(&quot;PHOT_DIR&quot;, &quot;photos&quot;); // photo directory, relative to this page
        define(&quot;THUMB_DIR&quot;, &quot;thumbs&quot;); // thumbnail directory, relative to this page
        define(&quot;MAX_XY&quot;, 150); // maximum width or height of thumbnail image

        /* all the functions used on this page have been split off into a 
         * seperate file. The include statement below makes them available to this
         * page.

<title>Photo Album</title>
<link href=&quot;album.css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot;>

<body bgcolor=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot; text=&quot;#000000&quot;>
<h1>PHP Photo Album</h1>
<h3>(final version)</h3>

<?php uploadFile() ?>

<form name=&quot;form1&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;<?php print $PHP_SELF?>&quot; enctype=&quot;multipart/form-data&quot;>
  <p>Add your own image to the album:<br>
    <input type=&quot;file&quot; name=&quot;ulFile&quot;>
        <input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;MAX_FILE_SIZE&quot; value=&quot;512000&quot;>
    <input type=&quot;submit&quot; name=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;Upload&quot;>

<p> </p>

<?php makeAlbumTable(); ?>



Any one have a techie job in Toronto, I need to work...being laid off sucks!
thanks for all the information. i have graduated from hi-school and college as well. i want for other co-workers to be able to upload .pdf and .jpeg without having to email them to me to upload.
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