Hello everyone, first let me explain what I'm trying to do. Using include() I am trying to set up a pagetop call.
I have designed a rollover effected menu system for the website >> <<
Upon visiting this page you will note when the mouse rolls over the anchored links a star pops up behind the text. If you visit the above page directly it all works fine. Since this file is meant to replace the upper portion of every page that will be displayed on the site it is missing some tags such as <html> etc.
Now I have set up to include pagetop.html
Since the rollovers etc require information stored within the <head> region of the document pagetop.html replaces information from within the <head> and on into the <body> section of the page (where the actual gui is displayed).
What I don't understand is, when php includes the file all of the information is take out of the pagetop.html and placed within index.php but for some reason it looses roll over functionality.
Has anyone else come across this problem? How can I fix this so I regain the functionality of the rollovers.
Thank you in advance.
I have designed a rollover effected menu system for the website >> <<
Upon visiting this page you will note when the mouse rolls over the anchored links a star pops up behind the text. If you visit the above page directly it all works fine. Since this file is meant to replace the upper portion of every page that will be displayed on the site it is missing some tags such as <html> etc.
Now I have set up to include pagetop.html
<title>Dress To Kill - Clothing Company - New Orleans</title>
<!-- Menubar and Header Information -->
<?php include('[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.dresstokill.com/pagetop.html');[/URL] ?>
<!-- End Menubar and Header Information -->
<div align="left">
Since the rollovers etc require information stored within the <head> region of the document pagetop.html replaces information from within the <head> and on into the <body> section of the page (where the actual gui is displayed).
What I don't understand is, when php includes the file all of the information is take out of the pagetop.html and placed within index.php but for some reason it looses roll over functionality.
Has anyone else come across this problem? How can I fix this so I regain the functionality of the rollovers.
Thank you in advance.