Hi someone has given me the following code to display all files / folders in a given directory...
This works fine but how can i stop the user from going up to a directoy that is higher than a given path? i.e
the directory is...
want to stop the user from getting at
Here is the example..
// false - don't allow switching to the parent-directory of this script
// true - allow simple switching to the parent-directory (via 'href')
$allow_parent = "false";
//configuration ends here---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//put directory content in arrays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if (!isset($path)) { $path = "./"; }
if (!isset($path)) { $path = "/home/htdocs/_files/_standard/_reports/"; }
if (!file_exists($path)) { echo "<h2>File not found!</h2>"; exit; }
if (strstr($path,"..")) { echo "<h2>invalid path!</h2>"; exit; }
$base_dir = getcwd();
$current_dir = getcwd();
$directory = dir("./");
$directories_array = array();
$files_array = array();
while ($file = $directory->read()) {
if (is_dir($file) AND $file != ".") { $directories_array[] = $file; }
if (is_file($file)) { $files_array[] = $file; }
//sort and output the arrays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<h2>Directory listing for ".basename($current_dir)."</h2>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Date</th></tr>";
foreach($directories_array as $value) {
if ($value=="..") { $new_path=strrev(substr(strstr(substr(strstr(strrev($path),"/"),1),"/"),1)); }
else { $new_path=$path.$value; }
if (($value != "..") OR ($base_dir != $current_dir)) {
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$SCRIPT_NAME?path=".urlencode($new_path."/")."\">$value</a><b>/</b></td><td></td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>"; }
elseif ($allow_parent == "true") {
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$value\">$value</a><b>/</b></td><td></td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>"; }
foreach($files_array as $value) {
if($value != basename($SCRIPT_NAME) or $path!="./") {
if ($filesize > 1073741823) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1073741824))." GB"; }
elseif ($filesize > 1048575) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1048576))." MB"; }
elseif ($filesize > 1023) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1024))." kB"; }
else { $filesize = $filesize." byte"; }
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$path$value\">$value</a></td><td>$filesize</td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Please can anyone help!!!
Kindest thanks.
This works fine but how can i stop the user from going up to a directoy that is higher than a given path? i.e
the directory is...
want to stop the user from getting at
Here is the example..
// false - don't allow switching to the parent-directory of this script
// true - allow simple switching to the parent-directory (via 'href')
$allow_parent = "false";
//configuration ends here---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//put directory content in arrays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if (!isset($path)) { $path = "./"; }
if (!isset($path)) { $path = "/home/htdocs/_files/_standard/_reports/"; }
if (!file_exists($path)) { echo "<h2>File not found!</h2>"; exit; }
if (strstr($path,"..")) { echo "<h2>invalid path!</h2>"; exit; }
$base_dir = getcwd();
$current_dir = getcwd();
$directory = dir("./");
$directories_array = array();
$files_array = array();
while ($file = $directory->read()) {
if (is_dir($file) AND $file != ".") { $directories_array[] = $file; }
if (is_file($file)) { $files_array[] = $file; }
//sort and output the arrays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<h2>Directory listing for ".basename($current_dir)."</h2>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Date</th></tr>";
foreach($directories_array as $value) {
if ($value=="..") { $new_path=strrev(substr(strstr(substr(strstr(strrev($path),"/"),1),"/"),1)); }
else { $new_path=$path.$value; }
if (($value != "..") OR ($base_dir != $current_dir)) {
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$SCRIPT_NAME?path=".urlencode($new_path."/")."\">$value</a><b>/</b></td><td></td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>"; }
elseif ($allow_parent == "true") {
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$value\">$value</a><b>/</b></td><td></td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>"; }
foreach($files_array as $value) {
if($value != basename($SCRIPT_NAME) or $path!="./") {
if ($filesize > 1073741823) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1073741824))." GB"; }
elseif ($filesize > 1048575) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1048576))." MB"; }
elseif ($filesize > 1023) { $filesize = sprintf("%.1f",($filesize/1024))." kB"; }
else { $filesize = $filesize." byte"; }
echo "<tr><td><a href=\"$path$value\">$value</a></td><td>$filesize</td><td>".gmdate("d M Y H:i",filemtime($value))."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
Please can anyone help!!!
Kindest thanks.