There are a total of 4 icons (like i said in PS CS1, for me) right beside the word "Lock:". The first three will give you the partially locked icon on the layer. Make sure all of them are deselected.
If you would like to postthe file, i will be happy to look at it and see if there is something else going on.
In re-reading my earlier post, it sounded to me that I was somewhat snippy: I apologise if that is the case!
I will find a place to post it and let you know. I assume I am not breaking any of the forum rules (it's not a copyrighted file or anything -- just a corny "swoosh" that someone drew and I'd like to mod).
Another thing occured to me, when I open a picture from my camera (jpg) the backgroud layer is locked, pretty much just as you describe it. To get around this I'll just copy the layer and hide the original back ground. The copy is editable.
This probably is a good practice, as you will always have the original to fall back to.
Have you tried souble clicking on the layer (on or near the padlock icon) then at the pop-up "new layer" messagebox simply hit the enter key, this removes the lock.
"Unknown data has been encountered reading "Layer-8" and will be discarded. Continue?" (I think this may the "smartobject" i only say that cause i don;t know what that is ;p)
I clicked ok and got a file with 3 layers Layer-9 (the grey ball), layer-8 (the swish and red ball) and layer-0 (white background). Only layer-9 was parially locked, I clicked the "checkerboard" looking icon to the left of the "fill" drop down on the layers pallette and got it to unlock.
Im not sure if this will help because the only swishes i got was on layer-8 and they were not locked. If you would like drop me an email at
robATvistaDOTtrainingDOTcom and I'll send you back the file with all layers unlocked.
In any case, I uploaded the file to the same location with the SuperObject taken out: I think it may not be compatible with your version of the program.
Also removed all non-relevant layers, so there should only the swoosh and the background.
Pk that one was fine, yeah, just click the the icon that looks like a checker board right beside the word "lock" that is located at the top of the layers pallette.
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