At our church the staff have all been ‘profiled’ (using Myers Briggs Personality Profiling) which has lead to an interesting side-effect – the introduction of type descriptions when talking about/to one-another.
For example:
“I’m an ESFP”, or “most of the male staff members are P’s and their wives J’s”. Those in the know (like me – although I’m not on staff) nod sagely, but this must sound very strange to an ‘outsider’! Has anyone else come across this phenomenon, or are we just weird?
(Incidentally, I find the whole subject of personality profiling fascinating – for the record I am an INFP, according to Myers Briggs.)
For example:
“I’m an ESFP”, or “most of the male staff members are P’s and their wives J’s”. Those in the know (like me – although I’m not on staff) nod sagely, but this must sound very strange to an ‘outsider’! Has anyone else come across this phenomenon, or are we just weird?
(Incidentally, I find the whole subject of personality profiling fascinating – for the record I am an INFP, according to Myers Briggs.)