I am not a programmer and never seen Perl. I was given a task to write perl script that executes UNIX/Windows command with options and arguments collected from stdin.
while input_arg ne DONE
$commandLineSoFar= echo $Command [space] $optionWithArg
execute $Command $listOfOptions&args;
Options and arguments
-a argA;
-c argC;
And $optionWithArgs will depend on what user chooses. User can choose one or more options. Not options take arguments. When user types DONE script executes command line with options and args that it collected from a user:
command -a argA -b -f
Please, help!!!
I am not a programmer and never seen Perl. I was given a task to write perl script that executes UNIX/Windows command with options and arguments collected from stdin.
while input_arg ne DONE
$commandLineSoFar= echo $Command [space] $optionWithArg
execute $Command $listOfOptions&args;
Options and arguments
-a argA;
-c argC;
And $optionWithArgs will depend on what user chooses. User can choose one or more options. Not options take arguments. When user types DONE script executes command line with options and args that it collected from a user:
command -a argA -b -f
Please, help!!!