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Perl script design

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Mar 9, 2003
I have got a perl script that is not cgi based. But I need to activate the script online I hope someone is able to make the script working.

Want to know more please mail me,
Post your details and we'll see what we can do.

I don't follow, where is the script you are working with (local or web) and you're trying to execute it how, or the script is trying to execute...it's been a long day already and I'm getting confused. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
...but I'm just a C man trying to see the light
The script has to work if this is in the html page
<!--#exec cgi=&quot;weather/cgi-bin/synops.pl&quot;-->
But it is not doing anything the autor of the script told me the script is not a CGI script. It is just a command-line (as in unix/linux shell prompt) script. I hope you can get it to work. And are able to add the option for getting the synoptic file from the internet site
This is the script


# Example of input format:
#AAXX 17014
#94102 NIL=
#94200 NIL=
#94203 NIL=
#94211 NIL=
#94212 NIL=
#94214 31997 50000 10358 20214 30081 40099 51008 70410 85260=
#SMAA10 DEMS 170000
#AAXX 17004
#89514 42998 11824 11028 49903 52021 80002 333 10028 21030

# Read in all input files, and split into messages

# Go through the messages and decode the AAXX ones.
foreach $REPORT (@text) {

# Decode if AAXX
if ($REPORT=~/^AAXX/) {

= decode_synop($REPORT);

# Output
print <<EOF;
Ident: $NAME; Date: $YEAR/$MON/$DAY:$HOUR; Location: $LA (Lat), $LO (Long); Type: $ST_TYPE
Pressure: $PSTA (station) / $PRED (MSLP) / $PTND_value [$PTND_code] (P Tend)
Temperature: $T / $DEWT (Dew Temp)
Wind: $DIR (Direction) / $SPD (speed)
Precipitation: $PPN_value [$PPN_code]
Weather: $WW, $W1, $W2
Cloud: $NH (Cover, oktas), $CL (Low Type), $CM (Mid Type), $CH (High Type), (Base (m): $CLOUD_H)




# Utility routine

# Split up GTS SYNOP (AAXX, BBXX) and BUOY messages
# Input: string of messages, as received over GTS
# Output: array of messages, each with own header
# Note: short messages (<=8 chars) aren't included in the output; this
# means that the terminating &quot;NNNN&quot; is also not returned.
# Note: junk characters are now allowed

sub split_gts_synop {


if ($DEBUG) { print &quot;Got &quot;,$#text+1,&quot; messages\n&quot; };

while ($line=shift @text) {
if ($DEBUG>1) { print &quot;Line: $line\n&quot; };

if ($line=~/\n(AAXX|BBXX|ZZYY)/) {
# AAXX's often come in groups, with the date shared betweeen them. Need to split it off the first
if ($DEBUG>1) { print &quot;Type: $TYPE\n&quot; };
if ($TYPE eq &quot;AAXX&quot;) {
@line=split(&quot; &quot;,$');
$DATE=shift @line;
# Check that the date looks vaguely OK, otherwise junk the line
if (length($DATE) != 5) { $line=&quot; &quot; } else { $line=join(&quot; &quot;,@line) };
$DATE.=&quot; &quot;; $TYPE.=&quot; &quot;;
} else {
$line=$TYPE.&quot; &quot;.$';
$DATE=&quot;&quot;; $TYPE=&quot;&quot;;
foreach $M (@Messages) {
if ( (length($M) > 8) && $M !~ /[^\s\w\/\.]/ ) {

return @MESSAGES;


# Actual decode routine

sub decode_synop {
my(@GROUPS)=split(' ',$_[0]);

# Get type - AAXX or BBXX. Return null if not one of the two.
$TYPE=shift @GROUPS;
if ($TYPE !~ /^(AAXX|BBXX)$/) { return '' };

# If this is a land group, exchange the first two groups
if ($TYPE eq &quot;AAXX&quot;) {@GROUPS[0,1]=@GROUPS[1,0]};

# Get identifier
$NAME=shift @GROUPS;

# Now, check that the rest of the message (up to 333/444/555/ICE) consists of 5 figure groups
# Groups that aren't 5 figures get deleted.
for ($I=0; $I<$#GROUPS; $I++) {
last if ($GROUPS[$I] =~ /333|444|555|ICE/);
if (length($GROUPS[$I]) != 5) { splice(@GROUPS,$I,1) }

# Get date (day and hour)
$HOUR=substr(shift @GROUPS,2,2);
%IWs=(0, &quot;m/s -> kts (estimated)&quot;, 1, &quot;m/s -> kts (anemometer)&quot;, 3, &quot;kts (estimated)&quot;, 4, &quot;kts (anemometer)&quot;);

# Now guess the year and month, based on the current date.

# Only get lat, lon if a ship
if ($TYPE eq &quot;BBXX&quot;) {

# Get latitude. Should be headed by &quot;99&quot; - return null if not
$LA=shift @GROUPS;
if (substr($LA,0,2) ne '99') { return '' };

# Get longitude. First char is quadrant: 5 for SW, 3 for SE
$LO=substr(shift @GROUPS,1,4)/10.;
if ($Q == 3 || $Q == 5) {$LA=-$LA};
if ($Q == 5 || $Q == 7) {$LO=-$LO};


# iivVV
# Get i_r i_x h VV group
($Ir,$Ix,$CLOUD_H,$VV) = (shift(@GROUPS) =~ /(.)(.)(.)(..)/ );
# Ir (ppn presence)
# Ir == 3 means ppn omitted later *and is zero*
# Ir == something else mean ppn not available/reported later
if ($Ir eq &quot;3&quot;) { $PPN_value=0 };
# Ix (station type/weather)
if ($Ir =~ /(1|2|3)/ ) {
} elsif ($Ir =~ /(4|5|6|7)/ ) {
} else {
$ST_TYPE=&quot;Unknown ($Ir)&quot;
# h (cloud base height) (code table 1600)
if ($CLOUD_H =~ /\d/) { $CLOUD_H = (0,50,100,200,300,600,1000,1500,2000,2500)[$CLOUD_H] }
else { undef $CLOUD_H };

# Nddff
# Wind group. Note conversion to kts if in m/s based on IW (30/4/97)
if (!$GROUPS[0]) { return &quot;&quot; }; # WMC 20/11/97 - return null if no wind group
if ($DIR == 990) {undef $DIR};
if ($DIR > 360) {$DIR.=&quot; (really???)&quot;};
$SPD=substr(shift @GROUPS,3,2);
if ($SPD !~ /\d{2}/) {undef $SPD};
if ($IW =~ /m\/s/) {$SPD=int($SPD*10/0.5148+0.5)/10.}

# 1sTTT
# Get temperature (checking leading digit is a 1)
($GROUP_ID,$S,$T)=(shift(@GROUPS) =~ /(.)(.)(...)/);
if ($GROUP_ID eq &quot;1&quot;) {
if ($T =~ /\d{3}/ and $S =~ /0|1/) {
if ($S) { $T=-$T }
} else {
undef $T
} else {
unshift(@GROUPS,$GROUP_ID.$S.$T); undef $T

# 2sTTT
# Get dew temperature (checking leading digit is a 2. If it isn't, return it to the list)
# If S (sign) is not 0 or 1 (it could be 9, for relative humidity) then throw DEWT away.
($GROUP_ID,$S,$DEWT)=(shift(@GROUPS) =~ /(.)(.)(...)/);
if ($GROUP_ID eq &quot;2&quot;) {
if ($DEWT =~ /\d{3}/ and $S =~ /0|1/) {
if ($S) { $DEWT=-$DEWT }
} else {
undef $DEWT
} else {
unshift(@GROUPS,$GROUP_ID.$S.$DEWT); undef $DEWT

# Get station pressure group (checking leading digit is a 3. If it isn't, return it to the list)
$PSTA=shift @GROUPS;
if (substr($PSTA,0,1) eq &quot;3&quot;) { $PSTA=substr($PSTA,1,4)/10.; if ($PSTA<400) { $PSTA+=1000 } }
else { unshift(@GROUPS,$PSTA); undef $PSTA };

# Get MSLP pressure group (4) (checking leading digit is a 4. If it isn't, return it to the list)
$PRED=shift @GROUPS;
if (substr($PRED,0,1) eq &quot;4&quot;) {
if ($PRED !~ /\d{4}/) {
undef $PRED
} else {
if ($PRED<400) { $PRED+=1000 }
} else {
unshift(@GROUPS,$PRED); undef $PRED

# 5aPPP
# Get P tendency group (5)
$PTND=shift @GROUPS;
if (substr($PTND,0,1) eq &quot;5&quot;) {
$PTND_code=substr($PTND,1,1).&quot; (code table 200)&quot;;
if ($PTND_value !~ /\//) {$PTND_value/=10.};
} else { unshift(@GROUPS,$PTND); undef $PTND };

# 6RRRt
# Get ppn group (6)
$PPN=shift @GROUPS;
if (substr($PPN,0,1) eq &quot;6&quot;) {
$PPN_code=substr($PPN,4,1).&quot; (code table 3590)&quot;;
if ($PPN_value !~ /\//) {
if ($PPN_value == 990) { $PPN_value=&quot;trace&quot; } elsif ($PPN_value > 990) {
} else { unshift(@GROUPS,$PPN); undef $PPN };

# 7wwWW
# Get weather type groups
# Ix codes for whether these groups are supposed to be present or not.
# However, since we've got no-where to complain to there's not a lot
# of point checking.
($GROUP_ID,$WEATHER) = (shift(@GROUPS) =~ /(.)(....)/ );
if ($GROUP_ID eq &quot;7&quot;) {
($WW,$W1,$W2) = ($WEATHER =~ /(..)(.)(.)/ );
} else { unshift(@GROUPS,$GROUP_ID.$WEATHER); undef $WEATHER };

# Cloud group - 8NhClCmCh
($GROUP_ID,$CLOUD) = (shift(@GROUPS) =~ /(.)(....)/ );
if ($GROUP_ID eq &quot;8&quot;) {
($NH,$CL,$CM,$CH) = ($CLOUD =~ /(.)(.)(.)(.)/ );
} else { unshift(@GROUPS,$GROUP_ID.$CLOUD); undef $CLOUD };

# End - see if we can find an ICE group (we'll fail if this is a land one! (and indeed for most ships))
while ($GROUP=shift @GROUPS) {
if ($GROUP eq &quot;ICE&quot;) { $ICE=join(&quot; &quot;,@GROUPS); undef @GROUPS;
# Lets try to decode the ICE group a bit (if it doesn't look like plain text)
if (length($ICE) == 5 and $ICE !~ /[^\d\/]/) {
local @Ices = ( $ICE=~/(.)(.)(.).(.)/ );
for (@Ices) { s#/#10# };
$Ices[0]='Concentration: '.('No ice in sight','in open lead or fast ice','uniform; < 3/10','uniform; 4/10 to 6/10','uniform 7/10 to 8/10','uniform 9/10+','varied; low','varied','varied; high','varied; very high','unable to report')[$Ices[0]];
$Ices[1]='Thickness: '.('new ice','nilas < 10cm','young 10-30cm','mostly new','mostly thin 1st-year','1st-year 30-70cm','mostly 1st-year 70-120cm','1st-year medium & thick','mostly baby oil','mostly old','unable to report')[$Ices[1]];
$GB='growlers/bergy bits';
$Ices[2]='Type: '.('None','1-5 bergs','6-10 bergs','11-20 bergs',&quot;<=10 $GB&quot;,&quot;1-5 bergs + $GB&quot;,&quot;6-10 bergs + $GB&quot;,&quot;11-20 bergs + $GB&quot;,&quot;20+ bergs + $GB - nav. hazard&quot;,'unable to report')[$Ices[2]];
$Ices[3]='Situation/Trend: '.('open water; ice in sight','easy penetration; improving','easy penetration','easy penetration; worsening','hard penetration; improving','hard penetration','hard penetration; ice forming; worsening','hard penetration; ice pressure; worsening','hard penetration; heavy ice pressure; worsening','beset; worsening','unable to report')[$Ices[3]];
$ICE=join(&quot; &quot;,@Ices);

# return
foreach $V (@VALUES) { if ( ($V=~/^\/+$/) || (!$V && $V !~ /0/) ) { $V=&quot;null&quot; } };
return @VALUES


# Check that a group has 5 characters, all digits or &quot;/&quot;'s
# IF the group is null, let that pass
sub check {

return $_ if (!$_);

if ((length($_) != 5) || /[^\d\/]/) {
if ($DEBUG) { print &quot;Invalid group: expected 5 digits or \&quot;\/\&quot;'s: $_&quot; };
if ($DEBUG) { print &quot; changed to: $_\n&quot; };

return $_;

# Utility routine

sub guess_mon_year {

# Get parameter: day

# Get the current day, month, year

# Maybe pretend...

# Maybe need previous month, year
if ($day > $DAY+1) { $MON-- };
if ($MON ==0) { $MON=12; $YEAR-- };

return ($MON,$YEAR)

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