Hi, my database has the following tables:
- SectionID (PK)
- SectionName
- DocumentID (PK)
- SectionID (FK)
- Title
- AttributeID (PK)
- SectionID (FK)
- AttributeName
My site is split into sections ie News, Events etc (stored in the sections table). Each section has a few additional fields which are generated dynamically (stored in the attributes table). And finally the news and events are stored in the documents table. Now i need to find a way of storing the attribute values against each document.
My first approach was to store the values in an xml field in the documents table, ie:
<value attributeID="1">Value 1</value>
<value attributeID="2">Value 2</value>
<value attributeID="3">Value 3</value>
However i found that xml fields can be extremely slow when querying with thousands of documents. I converted the field to a text field which improved performance but i don't get the extra query support which sql sever 2005 introducted for xml fields. I also don't get the normal relationship checks i would normally get by storing the values in a seperate table.
Therefore my next approach was to create the following table:
- DocumentID (FK)
- AttributeID (FK)
- Value
I then created the following query:
The GetAttributes function simply returns a comma seperated list of all the attributes.
This query pivots the values in the document values table and converts them to columns. Now i can query and sort against the attributes. But again the drawback with this approach is it's extremely slow (taking as long as 30 seconds to get 5 records from a table with 100,000 records).
So i don't know what to do next. Performance is very important in the next application i am building and it is also important that i can query and sort against some of the attribute values.
Appreciate if someone could give me some recommendations on what i could do.
- SectionID (PK)
- SectionName
- DocumentID (PK)
- SectionID (FK)
- Title
- AttributeID (PK)
- SectionID (FK)
- AttributeName
My site is split into sections ie News, Events etc (stored in the sections table). Each section has a few additional fields which are generated dynamically (stored in the attributes table). And finally the news and events are stored in the documents table. Now i need to find a way of storing the attribute values against each document.
My first approach was to store the values in an xml field in the documents table, ie:
<value attributeID="1">Value 1</value>
<value attributeID="2">Value 2</value>
<value attributeID="3">Value 3</value>
However i found that xml fields can be extremely slow when querying with thousands of documents. I converted the field to a text field which improved performance but i don't get the extra query support which sql sever 2005 introducted for xml fields. I also don't get the normal relationship checks i would normally get by storing the values in a seperate table.
Therefore my next approach was to create the following table:
- DocumentID (FK)
- AttributeID (FK)
- Value
I then created the following query:
SET @Query = N'SELECT Documents.*, ' + dbo.GetAttributes() + ' FROM
SELECT DocumentValues.DocumentLogID, Attributes.AttributeName, DocumentValues.Value
FROM Attributes INNER JOIN DocumentValues ON Attributes.AttributeID = DocumentValues.AttributeID
) p
FOR AttributeName IN (' + dbo.GetAttributes() + ')
) AS DocumentValues RIGHT OUTER JOIN
Documents ON DocumentValues.DocumentID = Documents.DocumentID'
EXEC sp_executesql @Query
The GetAttributes function simply returns a comma seperated list of all the attributes.
This query pivots the values in the document values table and converts them to columns. Now i can query and sort against the attributes. But again the drawback with this approach is it's extremely slow (taking as long as 30 seconds to get 5 records from a table with 100,000 records).
So i don't know what to do next. Performance is very important in the next application i am building and it is also important that i can query and sort against some of the attribute values.
Appreciate if someone could give me some recommendations on what i could do.