I am just a new to using REXX on the mainframe, and hence the following problem has me stumped:
Does anybody know if REXX can get the PDS member details for a member in a PDS.
Name Prompt Size Init Mod VV MM ID
IBAN 170 99 170 01.02 TCHDE23
IBAN2 242 170 191 01.01 TCHDE23
MSGX 22 22 0 01.01 TCHDE23
OUTTRAPX 17 11 0 01.04 TCHDE23
REXXTEST 21 17 6 01.01 TCHDE23
SYSDSNX 25 22 0 01.03 TCHDE23
WHEREX 137 137 0 01.00 TCHDE23
WHOSGOT 31 24 0 01.06 TCHDE23
I am after the userid, changed and VV MM details for a member.
As you can browse a PDS and see this detail I know ISPF can do this, but I don't know how to find out how ISPF does this, or even if REXX can call the same routines as ISPF.
Related to this issue, I am also after the userid of the last person who edited a dataset (either sequential or VSAM). Does anyone know to retrieve this detail?, or even if it is avaiable?
I am just a new to using REXX on the mainframe, and hence the following problem has me stumped:
Does anybody know if REXX can get the PDS member details for a member in a PDS.
Name Prompt Size Init Mod VV MM ID
IBAN 170 99 170 01.02 TCHDE23
IBAN2 242 170 191 01.01 TCHDE23
MSGX 22 22 0 01.01 TCHDE23
OUTTRAPX 17 11 0 01.04 TCHDE23
REXXTEST 21 17 6 01.01 TCHDE23
SYSDSNX 25 22 0 01.03 TCHDE23
WHEREX 137 137 0 01.00 TCHDE23
WHOSGOT 31 24 0 01.06 TCHDE23
I am after the userid, changed and VV MM details for a member.
As you can browse a PDS and see this detail I know ISPF can do this, but I don't know how to find out how ISPF does this, or even if REXX can call the same routines as ISPF.
Related to this issue, I am also after the userid of the last person who edited a dataset (either sequential or VSAM). Does anyone know to retrieve this detail?, or even if it is avaiable?