Technical User
I have been trying to get this to work, the PDF solution here:
My ps file are created, but I get an error message when
ps2pdf.prg tries to open ghost script.
This is it hangs up:
RetCode = CreateProcess(0, File2Run, 0, 0, 1, ;
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , 0, 0, @lcStartupInfo, @process_info)
* Unable to run, exit now.
If RetCode = 0
=Messagebox("Error occurred. Error code: ", GetLastError())
GS fails to start, so I get the message box error. I don't get
an error code though.
My ps file are created, but I get an error message when
ps2pdf.prg tries to open ghost script.
This is it hangs up:
RetCode = CreateProcess(0, File2Run, 0, 0, 1, ;
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , 0, 0, @lcStartupInfo, @process_info)
* Unable to run, exit now.
If RetCode = 0
=Messagebox("Error occurred. Error code: ", GetLastError())
GS fails to start, so I get the message box error. I don't get
an error code though.