I need help . I donçt know what to buy. I want my PC to display on my TV. I been looking at converters in tigerdirect.com but I donçt know what to use. all I want is to see my PC on my TV at the same time. So I can play my pc games on a big screen. I have many inputs on my tv I want something that if someone wants to see what I see on my monitor I just change my TV to video 1 2 or 3 depending on where I pluged it in and the image will show kinda like a VCR or DVD. I have my monitor set to 800*600 but I play most games on 1024*768 I dont want to have a delayed or blurry image.
This is what I have.
Abit motherboard
nvidia visiontek Xasy Ti-4400 128 ddr Video card
1.8 P4 processer
1 GB ram rambus
17 inch flat screen monitor
TV 27 inch Panasonic flat tube
A/V input
Component input
ok I think thats all
PS leaving the subject. This key board Im using started last week showing diffrent charrectors on almost all the symbols. example. Içm.donçt wonçt that is what comes out for my apostrophe. this is my new AT symbol """"""""""
they are all mixed up çñññÇ×PÑ this is shift 1 through 0 on my keyboard ª"/()¡!¿?¨ i think you get the point.
What is worong? That question mark was shift+9 Içm using a Logitech wireless ones that are black and grey and comes with a matching mouse. please help me with this too
This is what I have.
Abit motherboard
nvidia visiontek Xasy Ti-4400 128 ddr Video card
1.8 P4 processer
1 GB ram rambus
17 inch flat screen monitor
TV 27 inch Panasonic flat tube
A/V input
Component input
ok I think thats all
PS leaving the subject. This key board Im using started last week showing diffrent charrectors on almost all the symbols. example. Içm.donçt wonçt that is what comes out for my apostrophe. this is my new AT symbol """"""""""
they are all mixed up çñññÇ×PÑ this is shift 1 through 0 on my keyboard ª"/()¡!¿?¨ i think you get the point.
What is worong? That question mark was shift+9 Içm using a Logitech wireless ones that are black and grey and comes with a matching mouse. please help me with this too