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PC On ten seconds and then off

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May 14, 2002
I have a K7S5A motherboard with an Athlon XP Processor. This was a working system and then one time upon boot up the computer would run for 10 seconds and then the power would die.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

1. Verified working power supply on another system. (Antek 350W 2.03 compliant)

2. Reset BIOS

2. Removed all devices from the computer (IDE cables, SCSI card and devices, sound card.)

3. Verified Mememory in a different system. And tried known good memory in system

4. Removed all but the powersw connector from motherboad. (also left processor fan and power)

5. Removed motherboard from case to determine if there was a case ground.

7. Tried different board of same model, with original components.

6. Removed processor from MB. Board will then stay powered on .

From the steps that I have taken I am beginning to think that my processor is no longer functional. I was able to get to a BIOS screen at one point but MB shutdown before I was able to enter the BIOS. After each step I have had to reseat the power cable in order to get any type of response from the board I have had to reseat the power cable. Also the switch is no longer letting me hold the switch in to shutoff the power.

I am beginning to think that I am having a problem with my Processor or possibly the case switch. This switch was working fine before but is obviously alot cheaper than a processor. Does anyone else have any suggestions or is there something that I may have missed.

Thank You in advance
I hope not to waste your time, as it seems to me you have done most everything to resolve this issue, and to me it looks like either overheating (or temp monitor glitch) or a compatibilty issue (loosely termed) between mobo and cpu..... perhaps a glitch in APM/ACPI implementations?
Can you access the BIOS, or does it reboot too soon for that? one possibility is that a BIOS setting needs changing, and it's probably related to APM/ACPI.
Check the temperature sensors. Motherboards often have a thin sensor strip which touches the underside of the CPU. It might be sensing too much heat and rebooting..

Once you have ruled out mechanical parts and configs, you are left with circuits and chips. Either your mobo or your CPU has a flaw, IMHO.

See if you can get a replacement? (if your CPU definately works elsewhere, junk the mobo) I think you've covered most things. Win2000 Network Administrator
Try processor in another mobo. if mobo uses AT p.s.u. try a working one. Check underside of mobo for discoloration and clean with methylated spirit.I have same experience on M755LMR mobo.
Hi jackle74;

Is the CPU fan spinning? Also is the fan plugged into the correct plug on the motherboard? Some MOBO's will shut down if they don't see a cpu fan.

Ed Please let me know if the sugestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
could be the power button sticking..

js error; 67 on line; 36 of signature.class
As Eguy said but sometimes the third wire on the CPU fan (RPM sensor) can report 0 fan rotation, try another fan AND check that it is connected to the CPU fan header.
Go into bios and turn off any temperature shutdown controls, but first make sure the processor ISN'T actually overheating (no more than 50C at boot) this also can be checked in bios.
Is the heatsink on the correct way around? there is a cut out in the base of the heatsink that goes over the socket "A" writing on the molex socket, the heatsink COULD BE 180 degrees OUT??. Martin Just trying to help, sometimes falling short, I am only human after all.
Thank you everyone for your input. The system is not letting me even get into BIOS before it cuts out. I have two motherboards of the same type that I have tried this processor on. I have tried to reset the BIOS, I haven't tried another processor fan I will have to do that. The more that I mess with it the more that I think that my processor is blown. I should have another one here on friday so I will let you all know if that resolves my issue.

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