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path not found

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Sep 13, 2002
I have set the authentication method to 'Integrated Windows Authentication' on our web server (IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000), in order to allow users to view shared network folders though some ASP which runs on the site.

I assume that this will use the username of the logged in user at the client, when IIS sends pages to the 'connected user' ?

However, when I use a UNC \\<server name> path to list the contents of a directory, I am told 'Path not found.'

I post to this forumn, because I am lead to believe that it is an issue with the IIS Anonymous username permissions. So to overcome this I have set the authentication method to 'Integrated windows authentication'

Surely this should have fixed the problem?
Did you shared the folder on windows?


&quot;I just know that I know nothing&quot;
Socrates (469-399 B.C.E.)

This just gets better, the share appears to be accessible now using the \\<server name>, but only in the following directories:

yes yes NO! <-- Path not found!

Wierd! I have compared the properties of the first two directories and they appear the same as the one which doesn't work. The code used to list the files is IDENTICAL in each of the directories!

Any ideas?
The code (for illustrative purposes, even though this is not a direct VBscript question):

Dim objFileScripting, objFolder
Dim filename, filecollection, strUrlPath

Dim ProjectFolder
ProjectFolder = client(&quot;shared_folder&quot;)

Set objFileScripting = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)

Set objFolder = objFileScripting.GetFolder(ProjectFolder)

Set filecollection = objFolder.Files

For Each filename In filecollection
Filename=right(Filename,len(Filename)-InStrRev(Filename, &quot;\&quot;))
Response.Write(&quot;<a href = &quot;&quot;&quot; & strUrlPath & filename & &quot;&quot;&quot;>&quot; & filename & &quot;</a><br>&quot;)
I should mention that ProjectFolder = client(&quot;shared folder&quot;) should say ProjectFolder = &quot;\\PDC01\client_docs&quot;

(It was a reference to a recordset)
on the properties of the last one, see if inherit from parent folder is checked (at the botton of security tab).


&quot;I just know that I know nothing&quot;
Socrates (469-399 B.C.E.)

In Windows (folder proerties) or in IIS (Directory security)?

I can only see 'inherit' in the windows properties
IN the last subdirectory, properties(o windows not on IIS), -->Security tab..at the bottom you will see Allow inheritable permissions to propagate form parent..
That's the one I'm refering to..I'm sorry for the confusion.


&quot;I just know that I know nothing&quot;
Socrates (469-399 B.C.E.)

Hmm, seems to work now!

Thanks very much - out of interest, why would these windows properties affect IIS?

I think this is fixed now, (it works with a test, I have yet to use it operationally!)

Thanks again.
This just gets wierder and wierder. One minute it works, the next it doesn't.

Say if I tried it now, It wouldn't work ... If i leave it 15 minutes it works, but if I refresh, it doesn't work.

What is going on? I'm not even changing the code!
Have you found an answer yet?? I'm having the same problem!!

It was to do with permissions - check the NTFS security permissions on files and directories. In the end I used AspUser ( which allows account impersonation, you log on as someone with administrator permissions then all commands executed thereon are in the context of that account - so are permitted access to other drives on other servers etc..

There are other ways to do this without ASPUSER - account impersonation
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