I have the code below which pastes the contents of a listview into Excel. A number of the fields are dates which are shown in the system short date format (dd/mm/yyyy).
The data is first copied to the clipbaord and then pasted. On viewing the spreadsheet, Excel converts those dates with a day less than 12 to american format (mm/dd/yyyy), i.e. 07/03/2004 (7th March 2004) becomes 03/07/2004 (3rd July 2004), and places the rest are formated as text.
However once completed, if I then just press Ctrl-V to paste the content of the clipboard again the dates are correctly formatted.
Private Sub Export()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim iHeaders As Integer
Dim iAnswer As Integer
Dim iData As Integer
Dim strCopy As String
Dim Export_Sheet As Object
'Copy Headers
strCopy = vbNullString
For iHeaders = 1 To lvwReport.ColumnHeaders.Count
strCopy = strCopy & lvwReport.ColumnHeaders(iHeaders).Text & vbTab
strCopy = Mid(strCopy, 1, Len(strCopy) - 1) & vbCrLf
'Retrieve the data
iAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to export the whole list?", vbYesNo, "Search Export")
For iData = 1 To lvwReport.ListItems.Count
If lvwReport.ListItems(iData).Selected Or iAnswer = vbYes Then
strCopy = strCopy & Replace(Replace(lvwReport.ListItems(iData).Text, Chr(13), " "), Chr(10), " ") & vbTab
For iHeaders = 2 To lvwReport.ColumnHeaders.Count
strCopy = strCopy & Replace(Replace(lvwReport.ListItems(iData).SubItems(iHeaders - 1), Chr(13), " "), Chr(10), " ") & vbTab
strCopy = Mid(strCopy, 1, Len(strCopy) - 1) & vbCrLf
End If
Clipboard.SetText strCopy
Set Export_Sheet = CreateObject("excel.application")
Export_Sheet.Visible = True
Set Export_Sheet = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Excel is not installed on PC." & Chr(13) & "Open you default speadsheet and use the Paste conmmand")
End Sub
The data is first copied to the clipbaord and then pasted. On viewing the spreadsheet, Excel converts those dates with a day less than 12 to american format (mm/dd/yyyy), i.e. 07/03/2004 (7th March 2004) becomes 03/07/2004 (3rd July 2004), and places the rest are formated as text.
However once completed, if I then just press Ctrl-V to paste the content of the clipboard again the dates are correctly formatted.
Private Sub Export()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim iHeaders As Integer
Dim iAnswer As Integer
Dim iData As Integer
Dim strCopy As String
Dim Export_Sheet As Object
'Copy Headers
strCopy = vbNullString
For iHeaders = 1 To lvwReport.ColumnHeaders.Count
strCopy = strCopy & lvwReport.ColumnHeaders(iHeaders).Text & vbTab
strCopy = Mid(strCopy, 1, Len(strCopy) - 1) & vbCrLf
'Retrieve the data
iAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to export the whole list?", vbYesNo, "Search Export")
For iData = 1 To lvwReport.ListItems.Count
If lvwReport.ListItems(iData).Selected Or iAnswer = vbYes Then
strCopy = strCopy & Replace(Replace(lvwReport.ListItems(iData).Text, Chr(13), " "), Chr(10), " ") & vbTab
For iHeaders = 2 To lvwReport.ColumnHeaders.Count
strCopy = strCopy & Replace(Replace(lvwReport.ListItems(iData).SubItems(iHeaders - 1), Chr(13), " "), Chr(10), " ") & vbTab
strCopy = Mid(strCopy, 1, Len(strCopy) - 1) & vbCrLf
End If
Clipboard.SetText strCopy
Set Export_Sheet = CreateObject("excel.application")
Export_Sheet.Visible = True
Set Export_Sheet = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Excel is not installed on PC." & Chr(13) & "Open you default speadsheet and use the Paste conmmand")
End Sub