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Password 1

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Technical User
Dec 13, 2001
Make user enter password when he or she tries to enter form
Private Sub Button10_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Button10_Click
Dim DocName As String
Dim LinkCriteria As String

Msg = "Enter a Password ?"
Title = "System maintance password"
Defvalue = "1" ' Set default return value.
'answer = InputBox(msg, title, Defvalue) ' Get user input.
answer = GetPass(1)
answer = a_form_responce

If answer = "pass" Then
DocName = "Z_maintance"
DoCmd.OpenForm DocName, , , LinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume Exit_Button10_Click
End If

End Sub
i'm having trouble
could you send me a working example
Attach this code to your form.
Note- Change the blue to the password you want for the form.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

If InputBox(&quot;What Is The Password?&quot;) <> &quot;Password&quot; Then
MsgBox &quot;Invalid Password&quot;
Cancel = True
End If

End Sub
Here's a password sub I use that asks for a password to open the table tblCWR. It's pretty simple and not too secure but it discourages the casual user.

Private Sub edit_table_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_edit_table_Click
Dim strInput As String
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = &quot;Enter your Password&quot;
strInput = InputBox(prompt:=strMsg, _
Title:=&quot;User Password&quot;, xpos:=2000, YPos:=2000)
If strInput = &quot;santarosa&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenTable &quot;tblCWR&quot;, acViewNormal
msgbox (&quot;Wrong Password&quot;)
End If
Exit Sub

msgbox Err.Description
Resume Exit_edit_table_Click

End Sub
Anybody have a routine where astericks are added as you type, an &quot;On change&quot; event....
Set the input mask property to password...

BTW, in the future, please create a new thread instead of tagging on someone else's. This way, when we respond the original creator of the thread doesn't get emailed needlessly... Terry
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Please make sure your post is in the CORRECT forum, has a descriptive title, gives as much detail to the problem as possible, and has examples of expected results. This will enable me and others to help you faster...
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