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Password applied to a folder

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Technical User
Dec 16, 2003

I had applied a password to a folder a long back ago. Now i have forgot the password, and need to access the folder.
Is there any way to break the password or reset the password of that particular folder without any loss of data?
What operating system is the computer running?
I can't think of a specific way of password protecting a folder on Windows without using third party software, unless you were using NTFS access permissions and only allowed certain accounts access to it.

I have used a third party software, which i do not remember now.
The Operatin System is "Windows NT Server".
Is there any way of releasing that folder from the password by using any other third party sofware.
If could be done please do let me know.

If its been secured using a third party piece of software, then you need to find out what it is, and workarounds for it.
If it is only NTFS access permissions, login as administrator and take ownership of the folder, then change the access rights on the folder and files in it to allow you to access them.

Nothing could be done, if don't remember the software I have used?
Is there any workaround other than this?
And its not an NTFS partition, the workaround you gave cannot be used. But one of my friend used the solution you gave for the NTFS partition and was successfully completed.

But my issue still persists.
Well, either you could be a person in genuine trouble, or some script kiddie trying to access a file .

If you are the real thing, get your administrator and tell him about it. The fact that the "use administrator acct to fix it" could not be done sounds very fishy to me.

when someone asks for your username and password, and much *clickely clickely* is happening in the background, know enough that you should be worried.
How about going into Add/Remove Programs and removing/uninstalling any programs that look unfamiliar. That should release the third party protection.
I would think long and hard before uninstalling an unfamiliar program that may be used for access security, as this action may lock you out of the directory permanently. Even though I also find it difficult to believe that a computer professional could 'forget what program they used', it seems a bit harsh (even on a 'script kiddie') to suggest potential harm to their machine.

If you used third party software, you should be able to find it on your machine. Do a Google on the name that you find, and contact the manufacturers with your registration details

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I have looked for 3rd party software, and the only security addons for NT server that i have found are biometric (eg fingerprint or retina scan) or tie it in to a Novell NDS system or similar.
If it is one of these, then you will need to look at the details of that particular installation.

also..run a regedit to find remains of any software that might have been used and then removed......but u must get some security prompt when u try to access the files.

if it is Novell account then u have to contact your admin and have him/her adjust your rights - on NTFS & NT account and /or on the Novell side as well if it is the fileserver involved....
All the best!

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Exactly what i thought when i first read this thread... you could be in genuine trouble or you could be a skript kiddie but im gonna sugges something either way.Run regedit to go to the registry (presuming you know how to use the registery... if not then steer well clear as making mistakes in the registery could seriously f*ck up your cmoputer) and browse through the reg keys see if that particular software/manufacture arouses a memory if so then delete the registery keys for that program then try and get rid of it from add/remove.
I know this works with some password protected files as recently a memeber of my family used a password for zonealarm and then forgot it, you cant simply uninstall cause a password is required.
anyway try the above steps and if know luck you could always run a password cracker, (but a brute-force would take an age)
(i dont pretend i am any sort of an expert and i came to this forum to learn, so any mistakes/wrong advice or complete crap you see that i have posted then feel free to correct me/tell me im talkin out of my ass so i can learn..but plz no Flames.)

I dont believe you are a script kiddie just fooling around. One thing you could try if you have tehe resources.

Connect the data disk to another operating system that supports FAT file system (since not NTFS, most likely FAT or may be FAT32). Eg. Linux or Novell and mount it.

In this operating system, create another file system with no special permissions. And then copy it out folder by folder with a variant of XCopy.

You might lose long file names!

In Novell, that would be Ncopy *.* New: /sub


If it was a third-party encryption program that was downloaded from say webattack.com, and the directory was encrypted, then removing the software and the registry entries are not going to "unlock" the directory.

The only way is to restore from a backup that was made before the directory was encrypted, and maybe not restoring files that you want after it was encrypted; or find a crack program that will work (good luck) on DES, blowfish, etc.; or redo what you need.
cryptogro4 :
registry deal was suggested as a tool to indentify WHAT software was used in the first place...how to deal with it will depend on each case.
also, consider looking under your apps.process list to see if anyhitng "odd" is running while u get the password prompt..
Good Luck!

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