I am a Perl Rookie who is having a problem passing variables to ASP pages. I have tried two methods but have problems with these -
1) Create the redirect page in PERL and pass the variables in that ie ?name=xxxx&password=xxxxx
This is not the most ideal situation as I would like to hide the variables
2) Cookies. Again I am not too happy with this for a session only login, besides I am having problems reading in the cookie in my ASP page.
My questions are - Can I pass the variables in the ASP call and HIDE them?
Can I access the Session variable in Perl and then use it in the next ASP page?
Any help on this issue would be great.
I am a Perl Rookie who is having a problem passing variables to ASP pages. I have tried two methods but have problems with these -
1) Create the redirect page in PERL and pass the variables in that ie ?name=xxxx&password=xxxxx
This is not the most ideal situation as I would like to hide the variables
2) Cookies. Again I am not too happy with this for a session only login, besides I am having problems reading in the cookie in my ASP page.
My questions are - Can I pass the variables in the ASP call and HIDE them?
Can I access the Session variable in Perl and then use it in the next ASP page?
Any help on this issue would be great.