I don't understand what is wrong!! I'm simply trying to pass a value from an ASP page.
Running my ASP code produces the following string:
&desc0=NO LONGER VALID&EOF=true&
If I generate this string by simply typing:
response.write "&desc0=NO LONGER VALID&EOF=true&"
...then my list box populates with the 'desc0' value no problem. However, when I generate the output from a database value: Eg:
fp_sQry = "SELECT * FROM MasterTable"
RS.Open fp_sQry, adoCon, 3, 1
desc = RS.Fields("Code_Description")
response.write "&desc0=" & desc & "&EOF=true&"
...then my list box only contains 2 single or 1 double quotes (I can't tell which it is). I don't understand as my page produces EXACTLY then same output string.
I tried adding actionscript to check that all variables had loaded...see below:
Frame 1:
myVars = new LoadVars();
Frame 2:
if (myVars.EOF == "true") {
Frame 3:
if (myVars.EOF == "true") {
} else {
Frame 4:
Anyone have any ideas? I'm out!!!
Running my ASP code produces the following string:
&desc0=NO LONGER VALID&EOF=true&
If I generate this string by simply typing:
response.write "&desc0=NO LONGER VALID&EOF=true&"
...then my list box populates with the 'desc0' value no problem. However, when I generate the output from a database value: Eg:
fp_sQry = "SELECT * FROM MasterTable"
RS.Open fp_sQry, adoCon, 3, 1
desc = RS.Fields("Code_Description")
response.write "&desc0=" & desc & "&EOF=true&"
...then my list box only contains 2 single or 1 double quotes (I can't tell which it is). I don't understand as my page produces EXACTLY then same output string.
I tried adding actionscript to check that all variables had loaded...see below:
Frame 1:
myVars = new LoadVars();
Frame 2:
if (myVars.EOF == "true") {
Frame 3:
if (myVars.EOF == "true") {
} else {
Frame 4:
Anyone have any ideas? I'm out!!!