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Passing values from an web page to Crystal Reports

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Nov 29, 2000
I'm passing From Date and To Date field to Crystal
Report. I want the From and To date values to printed in Page Header of the Report. ¿Is it possible?
Thanks ;-)

I'm using:
Version of Crystal Reports: 8
ODBC Connect
Programming: HTML, VBScript, ASP and the Web Component Server
How do you pass those date values, as parameters or within the records selection formula?
Within the records selection formula:
&quot;...WHERE FD1>=CDate('10/02/2000') AND FD1<=CDate('10/05/2000')&quot;
Since you use WCS, do you pass the values with the URL?
Or you use CRAXDRT?
I don't use the URL to pass the parameters, instead I use an ASP page to pass them to the crystal report.
In that ASP I'm using something like this:

Set Session(&quot;oApp&quot;) = Server.CreateObject(&quot;CrystalRuntime.Application&quot;)
Set session(&quot;oRpt&quot;) = session(&quot;oApp&quot;).OpenReport(report_path, 1)
session(&quot;oRpt&quot;).RecordSelectionFormula = &quot;{table.FD1}>=CDate('10/02/2000') AND {table .FD1}<=CDate('10/05/2000')&quot;

And then I launch the report in the crviewer.
Got it, you use CRAXDRT.DLL.
First, does your selection formula work? I think, you have to convert the date values to the Crystal format, which is
Date(yyyy, mm, dd) so it would look like this:

session(&quot;oRpt&quot;).RecordSelectionFormula =
&quot;{table.FD1}>=Date(2000,10,02) AND {table.FD1}<=Date(2000,10,05)&quot;

You can try this as well:
session(&quot;oRpt&quot;).RecordSelectionFormula = &quot;{table.FD1} in Date(2000,10,02) to Date(2000,10,05)

Now, how to display those two dates in the report.
Create two formula fields inside the Designer, {@DateFrom) and {@DateTo}, place them whereever you want them to be and enter any date in them -
Date(2000,01,01) for instance, just to set the fields' data type.
Then, in your ASP page do the following, since you know values of these two variables:

sDateFrom = &quot;Date(2000, 10, 02)&quot;
sDateTo = &quot;Date(2000, 10, 05)&quot;

set Formulas = session(&quot;oRpt&quot;).FormulaFields
for i = 1 to Formulas.Count
if Formulas.Item(i).FormulaFieldName = &quot;DateFrom&quot; then
Formulas.Item(i).Text = sDateFrom
elseif Formulas.Item(i).FormulaFieldName = &quot;DateTo&quot; then
Formulas.Item(i).Text = sDateTo
end if

The dates you entered while creating the report will be overwritten with the new values.

This should do it.
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