Well without a lot of information it's difficult to help you. But two possible solutions would be to create a global variable in PowerBuilder and use that between your reports. To declare a powerbuilder open any of your windows, then click on Declare menu and select Global Variables… from the list. Then just declare the variable like you would in any normal piece of code. You second option and a little more tricky would be the message object. So when opening another window you send it the variable by using the openwithparm function, and then retrieving the variable at the other end with the message.doubleparm / stringparm / powerobjectparm statement. Hope this helps.
You want to use the message.object for sure. Here is a sample of how to use it. If you want to pass more than one variable type then you can create a stucture and pass that.
//this is where you set the variables and open the window
//str_pass.s string[]
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